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Just the thought of school makes me shiver. It's been almost a year since I've stepped foot into that building...I sort of stopped bothering when mum and Carl's relationship took a turn for a worst.


I'm not supposed to think about it. It never happened.

I stare up at the dismal building in front of me. A few puzzled, intreauged stares are being thrown my way but it dosen't bother me. It never has. I just need to get through what's left of this last year, then leave to go to London to live with my dad, where I can be close to my cousins, aunties, uncles and all the rest of my family. I need to get out of this damn city! 

I head through the intimiditaingly clean glass doors of the building, already familiar with the bleak interior of the building. I'm not sure if I should register with the office or something-

''Kyla!'' A voice makes me jump, interuptting my thoughts. I focus on the face in front of me.

''Nadia...Hey!'' I smile at her. Nadia was probably my closest friend here last year, when I attended like normal. I sort of cut everyone off when I stopped coming.

I don't really have many friends here anyways, though. I prefer to keep friendship and education as divided as possible, and even then, I like to keep my circle small. You never know these days, nobody is trust worthy. Loyalty is rare; you think somebody is rowing your boat, and they're drilling holes in it. That's why I only maintain a close relationship with one person; my best friend Mikayla, who left the school last year. Everybody knows Mikayla. She's the girl that everybody wants to know, the one every girl envies and the girl every boy wants to wife, you know what I mean? She's tall, with skin the color of rich caramel, big brown melting eyes, long dark curls to her waist, and a body to die for. I go out with her at weekends and sleep at hers probably more than I sleep at my own house. She's been with me through everything; her family class me as their own these days.

It's still good to have people in school who you can talk to in class and sit with at lunch though, right? Nadia is nothing on Kayla, but she's defiently up there with the popular girls in my year. She''s pretty, with thick dark blonde hair which wouldn't suit most people but defines her face perfectly. She has nice eyes too, peircing and green. They stand out like emeralds on her dark skin. 

''Where have you been? I've been so worried Kyla. You just dissapered! I mean, Miss Jones said it was personal problems, but I couldn't even get in touch with you since it's like you're allergic to social networking. And my texts never sent to the number you gave me!'' 

''Oh, my phone broke. I got a new number with my new one.'' I nod to my iPhone, which is slipped inside the waist of my slim fitting school trousers, headphones dangling out and still playing music, which seems noticably louder than usual now I'm in the school. 

''You'll have to text me or something. Do you need to go anywhere, like any paperwork or can you just come to class? We've both missed form anyway. You need a timetable Kyla!''

''They sent one to my door.'' I say. It's at home but I've memerized it. It dosen't take much.

''Alright, well I've got buisness communications and we're preparing for an exam so I've got to go. Just come and sit with me at lunch? We need to catch up..,see you later Ky!'' She waves. I just smile. Ky. Why's she calling me that? Like we haven't NOT seen each other in a year. I can't stand people. When I spent all that time off, the only people I'd interact with were my tutor who the school sent (who to be fare, was bearable), Mikayla and her family, whom with I practically lived with for the whole time, and the crowds of drunk, drugged up girls and tall dark guys in the clubs, parties and raves we went to. It's my way of blocking things out, you know. Standing in a crowd with my head spinning, the music pumping in my chest, Kayla smiling uncontrollably next to me with my hands in the air, some guys hands around my waist, feeling like I'm part of something. It's amazing how much it helped.

My first class; art. 

And that's when I see him. He walks into me, like literally. It's hard to believe it isn't a deliberate nudge. He's tall- I'm 5''9 so he must be a good 5''10.5 or something. His skin is dark, and his hairstyle is nothing special, just fades, like most boys at the moment. But I can't help noticing his toned arms and abs showing through his white school shirt, or his fierce dark eyes. Then he smiles at me, showing his perfectly straight white teeth. It's a smile I recognize straight away, and something flares inside of me. Exctiment. He's bad, but the sort of bad you want to taste. 

''Yo, who are you? I haven't seen you before.'' He raises an eyebrow.

'' 'Yo' ? Is that how you speak to a girl, huh?'' I say, swallowing the excitment in my throat down quickly. I don't deal with boys. I've had a few things in the past but nothing serious. I mean, me and Kayla go to a lot of different places with different people- some of whom I'll never meet again. It's not big deal to me. Forget that. Most relationships these days seem like games, and I stopped playing those back in junior school. 

''I don't usually need to try, when it comes to feel me?'' He winks. Oh wow.

''Honestly, I can sense your ego. Excuse me.'' I step to his side and walk to class. 

Now, art.

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