Chapter Three

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I spend all weekend at Mikaylas. Then after a long, tiring day at school, I'm back home again. I decide it's probably best to stay at home tonight, since I've got heaps of course work that I want to get in early so it's done and over with. Kayla is seeing that Tyrell tonight, anyways. 

I lay all my folders out on my bed, and begin to type up my history coursework on my laptop. My revision text books are covered in notes, doodles, and highlighter over the key points. 

I give myself a break after finishing my history. I go downstairs to start making dinner. I usually cook when I'm here. Mum is pretty hopeless at cooking - and washing the dishes, for a matter of fact. I guess that's one of the other things she always relies on men for; other than for attention, of course. 

My mobile buzzes. I check the caller ID.

''Dad?'' A smile spreads across my face.

''Kyla! Listen, I haven't really got that long to talk. But, I've been having support from a probation officer. She's sorting out the paper work. She says since your mum only had temporary custody of you initially, it should all work out. It should only be a couple months after I get out when you can come and live with me again! I've just payed off the last parts of the new house.''

His voice is so comforting. I feel so at ease speaking to him.

The house in Kent went up for sale not long after he went inside; he decided it was too big. He said all that has happened has made him appreciate his family even more, and so he's bought a new place in East London near all my family. I went to the veiwing with my aunty - my dad's sister - and it's just perfect. Not too big, not too small. It's even got a double garage, so when I learn to drive (soon come!) I can get my own car and be able to keep it inside the garage, to prevent risks of it getting stolen, which is a regular thing down there. 

''Dad, I can't wait.''

And I truly can't. Mum wasn't too happy about me going at first. But it didn't take her long to realize that it wasn't because I didin't like her, but because I hadn't seen my dad in so long. I'll be staying with her one weekend every month. And the colleges down there are a lot better. So much better, in fact.

''I can't either, princess. But listen, Ky Ky; you promise me you're happy with all of this?'' He says, almost nervously.

''Yes dad! I'm so happy!'' I screech with happiness. 

''It's not long now Ky. But all that is important now is that you get your grades! Have you started applying for colleges yet?''

''Well I've looked at a few. I won't be sending my submissions in till late November though.'' 

''Okay. Well, my probation officer...she says it's best if we set up some support for you through the moving process? You know after...everything? Trust me Ky, I know you're amazing, you're fine, God knows how. You're doing so well. Just bare with me though, okay?'' 

''Yes daddy.''

''Okay Ky, I've got to go. I love you.''

The line cuts.

I smile to myself. My mood is instantly uplifted. 

Not long now, Kyla.

''Kyla! Kyla baby!'' Mum's voice shrills through my ears, bringing me back down to earth. There's something not quite right in her tone. She runs over to hug me, stumbling on her way. 

Suddenly, I gag.

''Mum, you stink of it! What the fuck are you playing at?'' I scream. She's drunk. 

''Baby it's fine. I haven't had a drink in a while!'' She spins around the room.

Gary appears.

What the fuck is he doing here? The anger all rushes to my head. How could she be this selfish? I'm so close to finishing school on a clean slate. What's she trying to do, fuck it all up?  Before I know it, I'm hitting Gary hard accross the face.

''How could you let her do this to me?!'' I scream at him. 

Don't cry, Kyla. 

''You fucking prick!'' I spit at him. His face hardens.

Taking me by suprise, he grabs the collor of my school shirt and pins me up against the wall.

''Listen you little brat! I know your daddy is in jail, and your sweet self has some issues. But me and your mother were having fun!'' He says quietly, his saliva spraying over my face. 

''Don't you dare talk about my dad. He's way above you.'' I clench my fists in anger. I glance at my mum, who is watching, helplessly. She looks so weak and submissive now, next to Gary.

Then it happens; I feel his hand trace the inside of my upper thigh, way too intimate to ever be a comforting pat, or anything of the kind. I scream so loud I begin to gag.

''Didn't you like that? Not like your mother then? She loves it, kid.'' He laughs, his face loosening, as if it's all one big joke to him. 

I feel completley violated. 

I clench my eyes shut to stop the tears streaming out. If only my dad was here...or even Kayla. 

Usually I'm such a defensive person.

Usually I'd never let any man get my mum pissed out of her head, then walk into my home and touch me like that. 

But my body won't move, and my mouth is dry. I'm frozen. 

Breathe, Kyla.

Gary smiles smugly. 

That's it; I break. It feels so good. All this anger inside of me. I grab a glass off the kitchen counter, and throw it at him as hard as I can, splinters of glass exploding over the room. 

Then I turn and sprint. I may smoke, and P.E isn't my biggest interest, but I can run like a tiger when I want to.

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