Chapter Two

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A/N: If you're wondering, (and I know it's a difficult name to pronounce), Demario is pronounced De-MAR-REE-OH. Mikayla is pronounced like the name Micheala, (MIK-ALE-A) and Kyra is pronounced as you'd expect; KYE-RA. Oh, and I know Chapter One is a little deep. I want you to gain and understanding of Kyra's past, and how it's shaped her, since it'll become very rellevant further in. Mwah!

I'm woken up by the vibrations of my phones alarm buzzing through my pillow. It's now Friday. I haven't been home since meeting Gary on Monday afternoon.

''Jesus.'' I shake my head to wake myself up, then brush my hair into a tight doughtnut bun, applying a full face of my makeup and adjusting the diamonds in my ears, which my dad paid for last month. 

Mikayla rolls over onto her side.

''Lord, Ky Ky! It's so early!'' She rubs her eyes and stretches her arms, yawning loudly. She even looks amazing in the morning; black silky hair falling over her eyes, her eyebrows perfectly in place and her skin clear. 

''Well some of us have school to go to!'' I throw a pillow at her head. 

''Hey!'' She laughs loudly. We've both got loud laughs. She shoves the pillow back at my face and kicks the duvet off her long toned legs. 

''I'll make breakfast.'' She yawns again, running downstairs.

I finish getting ready then sit at the table for a quater of an hour with Kayla, drinking fruit tea and scrolling through Instagram. This morning the topic of conversation is Andre. Remember the guy who's obsessed with her who we went to watch rap on Friday night? Yeah, it's him. To be fare, she seems pretty smitten at the moment. He must be doing something right, because Kayla isn't much more of a relationship girl than I am, and that's saying something. I notice the time on my gold watch. 

''I'm going Kay.'' I stand up, and kick on my black Converse, then lean down to the stool where she's sat to give her a quick kiss on the cheek, staining her skin with red lipstick. 

''See you later baby girl.'' She says, combing her hair with one hand. I'm just about to exit the door when she comes and hands me her half smoked ciggarette. Mikayla is a regular smoker. She smokes weed a lot too. She's getting places, though; she got good results and now she's doing amazing in her first year of college, despite all her bad habits. I smoke when I'm with Kayla. Most would class me a smoker too, but I'm not addicted. It's nice, sometimes though. It became more of a regular thing after the stuff with mum happened.

I blow her a kiss and begin to walk to school. Kayla lives in a privatley owned house next to the big, rough estate. Her house is gorgeous inside though; all fur carpets, plush sofas and big shiny TVs. It dosen't take long at all to walk from here to school. 

I breathe thick rings of smoke out into the cold October air, wrapping my jacket around my tightly. 

''Alright?'' A voice greets me. I tap the ash of the end of the cigarette, then turn my head to face Demario.

''Why are you trying to talk to me?'' I turn my attention back on my cigarette.

''Why are you smoking?'' He says with a half smile. It's sexy, but it dosen't phase me.

''Maybe because I want to?'' I sigh, smoking the last drags then putting it out on the ground. 

''Aw, you a bad girl yeah?'' He smiles teasingly.

''Seriously? Shut the fuck up.'' I groan. It's way too early to even attempt to entertain this cocky bastards conversation.

''Cute.'' He steps sideways, so that he's walking closer to me. I hate when people get too close.

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