First Date? Please.

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Come on guys I know there's something you want to read sooooo....REQUEST!!!!!!!!!!! Anywhoooo I hope you enjoy this chapter. "XOXOCAKE" this one's for you again.

10:00 (shack closed)

"Hey Pacifica I'm leaving to go to the mall with some friends you'll be alone in the shack is that okay?"

"Gideon I'm 17 I'll be fine. Oh and get me a mango smoothie please." (Reference anyone...? I'll leave now)

"Yeah sure. See you later."


After Gideon leaves the gift shop Pacifica goes into the house part of the shack and decides to have some fun. She gets a bunch of pillows, a blanket, and builds a pillow fort. She digs into the fridge and finds some "Cookie Dough" ice cream. After setting up everything she puts on the "Little Mermaid", gets in her fort and eats ice cream.

After watching all the previews of the movie she hears a knock at the door.

"Who's going to come to the Mystery Shack at 10:30 in the night?" Pacifica then opens the door and sees a person with a blue hoodie and sunglasses on.

"Ughh...the Shack's closed come back tomorrow." Pacifica was about to close the door when she heard a voice.

"I'm actually here for you Pacifica." A low voice said.

Pacifica recognized the voice and inwardly groaned.

"Oh really Gleeful, well I'm very busy at the moment so please go away." Pacifica then attempted to close the door again but failed when a hand stopped it.

"You didn't even let me tell you what I wanted you for." Dipper said while taking off his glasses.

"Alright you get 1 minute before I slam this door on your face." Pacifica crossed her arms and leaned on the doorway.

"Okay Pacifica. Me. You. Candlelight dinner tomorrow evening that good with you?"


Pacifica slammed the door in Dipper's face and took a 20 second breath before opening the door again.

"So you want to take me out on a date tomorrow?"

"Well yeah that's what you do when you like a girl." Dipper said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Now your saying you like me. What has the world come to?" Pacifica said raising her hands in the air.

"Well my world would be perfect if you would say yes." Dipper grabbed Pacifica's hands in his and held them then bent down on one knee. "Pacifica please let me take you out to dinner tomorrow. It will be fun and if not I won't bother you ever again."

"Alright Dipper I'll go with you but stand up please."

"Oh yeah sure." Dipper stands up straight and dusts off his jeans.

"I'll pick you up at 8 okay?" Dipper was about to leave when a hand grabbed his.

"Umm...I'm watching a bunch of old movies and eating ice cream. Would you like to join me?"

Dipper smiled and walked into the shack. "That would be amazing."

During Little Mermaid

Pacifica and Dipper cuddling while eating ice cream and watching the movie when Pacifica heard her phone buzz and saw a text from Gideon.

Gidz: Hey, staying over at friends house don't wait up for me.

Paz: Kay. :)

Whooohoo yeah. I'm tired so hoped you enjoy this chapter blah blah blah. Welp....good night or good morning...PEACE OUT!!!!

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