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Okay please request I'm begging you. My number 1 requester might not share the story you want soooo. JUST. DO IT!!!! Jk you don't have too. Anywhoo enjoy the story. Thoughts = italics

It was a Saturday afternoon when Mabel and Dipper went to the Greasy Diner to stal- I mean observe the Pines siblings. They got a table far enough so they couldn't be seen but close enough to hear their conversation.

Dipper's P.O.V.

I can't believe Mabel actually dragged me from my studies to go stalk some kids. It's really annoying how she can use some of her powers better than I can (alpha twin).

"Dear brother what's with the disgusted look on your face?" I look snap out of my trance and focus on Mabel.

"Did you really have to have ME come along. Honestly you could've stalked the siblings yourself you know..?"

"But Dipper I brought you along so you could see your dear precious Pacifica."

I start to feel heat come up to my cheeks so I immediately covered it up before Mabel noticed.

I mean she is adorable the way she laughs about the stupidest of things, and how she speaks so passionately about her sweaters and sparkles... But how did she find out? Did she read my notebook again? Did she stalk me while I was alone?

"Dipper it's sooo easy to tell you like her. I mean your thoughts say everything, and really her laugh you're such a creep."

"Mabel you read MY thoughts?!?"

"Of course I did. I wanted to know why have you been daydreaming so much but I guess she's the reason."

"Well you know my secret. Can we leave now?" I say starting to get up from my seat.

"Sure. As soon as you ask her out." Mabel said then started to use her amulet to send a message but not to me.

"Mabel you can't be serious." I was about to get up and leave when a sweet voice entered my ears.

"Hey Dipper. What's up?"

Mabel I'm going to kill you.

It's all for you dear brother.

"Hey Pacifica, nothing much you?


There was an awkward silence between us for a few seconds before she spoke again.

" Mabel said you have something to ask me."

Yeah Dipper what do you need to ask her?

Shut the hell up Mabel.

I start to feel my palms sweat and my mouth dry up as words wouldn't come out of my mouth.

"Oh....umm....well I was going to ask...?" I start looking around the area for anything to ask about but she kept her beautiful eyes on me the whole time. "I was going to ask if you wear your hair down more than you do up?"

"My hair...? Well I wear it up a lot actually. Being really long and super hot here. Is that all?"

After receiving my answer I put on my cool act so I can leave and sulk at home.

"Yes that will be all beautiful." I put down $10 on the table and kiss Pacifica's hand as I exit the diner.

Now she'll think I'm a weirdo who likes hair. Great!

Back at the Diner

"Hey Pacifica did Dipper seem a little weird to you?" Gideon asked his sister.

"No why do you say that?" Pacifica responded.

"Well he asked about your hair. Isn't that a little weird?"

"Nah. He probably was forced to talk to me and had to think of a question." Pacifica says taking a sip of her smoothie.

"Really Pacifica being forced to talk to you. Is that the best excuse you can come up for him?" Gideon said and started crossing his arms.

"It doesn't matter he's cute either way." Pacifica said whispering the last part to herself.

"Geez those twins and their secrets." Gideon then put down some money as him and his sister walked out the diner not noticing the other Gleeful twin listening to everything they were saying.

Don't you love siblings. Anywhooo I think you all are awesome so please request. Welp....wherever your are good morning or good night...PEACE OUT!!!!

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