When I'm Gone

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This was requested by RoadSky40. Its supposed to be sad so grab your tissue box and get ready for a feels trip. Or don't it all depends on how you're feeling.

Dipper's POV

"I miss you, do you know that? It's really funny that, me Mason Dipper Gleeful actually admitted to doing something humane. Ah. The things you me make do.

Seriously, I could be doing anything better with my time. I could practice magic, I could read over all 3 journals again, I could even spend time with Gideon and Mabel. But I always find myself here by your side and it baffles me. I don't understand why.

Its like you always had this weird thing about you. Well, I mean what part about you isn't weird. Always making me seem like a good guy, always ready for an adventure and you especially are always smiling. It's very strange. No matter what situation you're in I can't get away from that beautiful bright smile.

I just wish I could still see it. I wish I could hear your laugh and I wish I could see you. Heh. Look at me now. I'm all mopey, I'm sad, and I can't even look at our daughter anymore.

Her face, eyes, laugh, voice, EVERYTHING about her reminds me of you..it's like she's tormenting me. Yet, though its torture I can't bring myself to see her go. She's silly, she's smart, she's very qualified to be a top magic user and most of all I love her.

I honestly blame you for making me sappy like this but not like I can or want to change now. You made me this way. I'm proud to be this way."

A car door slams and a little girl comes running out screaming. I smirk. She's way too energetic. I start get off the ground but before I do I smile quickly to the tombstone in front of me. I feel a tear form but never drop.

"I know you told me not to cry but I really miss you. I just want you home and I can only do so much for our little girl. Pacifica, my lovely wife I'm so happy I had the chance to be with you. I just need you to know for the 1 millionth and 7th time that I love you."

Sigh death. Wherever you are good morning or good night...PEACE OUT!!!

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