He's Mine

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Okay so I love the idea of jealous Pacifica and this idea popped into my mind. Also I just published a book called 'Gravity Wars' I hope you guys check it out. Anyways enjoy the chapter!

Pacifica P.O.V

Today was supposed my shopping day since Gideon was busy today and none of my other friends were free I invited the least expected person to go with me. Dipper Gleeful. Now don't get me wrong we still dislike each other, but ever since Bill Cipher came to our dimension and tried to take over the world we haven't fought as much. After that battle we've been getting closer and closer to becoming friends and sadly with each and every day I spent with him the more my brain and heart fell for the magical idiot.

Okay, okay I know what you thinking how does knowing how you feel from the guy effect how well your shopping day goes? Isn't shopping with the guy you like supposed to be good? Well I'll tell you something. My shopping day is fun, but not when I come out of the store to see Dipper talking to some girl he met 5 minutes ago flirting!

Not trying to be mean to anyone. I'm sure she has a lovely personality and probably gives food to the poor but right now she's an enemy and needs to go down. I run into the clothing store and buy a crop top and nice skinny jeans that show my curves. (Okay I know she's supposed to sweet and kind BUT I'm positive if this happened she would definitely tell the audience how amazing she is.) I pull the hair tie from my hair and let my hair flow all the way down to my waist. I look at the cashier and see her put a thumbs up wishing me good luck as I stepped into a war zone.

 Dipper Gleeful P.O.V.

I was waiting for Pacifica to come out of the clothing store since it was our last one of the day when a girl my age walked up to me. I looked back at the store hoping to see the blonde come out with a shopping in hand so we could leave before I had to mingle with these lowly humans her being and exception.

"Hi. I'm Carly. I saw you standing outside of the store and I thought you looked lonely so-" I after a few seconds of hearing her speak I cut off her voice and observed watch she was wearing. A yellow sundress with flowers on it. A good choice considering the weather, I might as well amuse myself while I wait on the blonde.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Carly. Thank you for being so considerate on making the decision to keep me company on the beautiful summer day." I took her hand and kissed the top seeing her face become so red that it could put a tomato to shame.  

"O-oh your very welcome. So w-why are you here t-today?" Her stutter made it very clear that she was flustered all the more reason to continue teasing the girl. After a few minutes of talking with the girl her nervousness disappeared into thin air and she started to advance towards me. If this was a game I not going to lose it. I was about to remove the hand she put on my shoulder when an all too familiar voice interrupted me from doing so.

"Ahem. Hey Dipper care to introduce me to your friend?" I looked at Pacifica and noticed what she was wearing is totally different than anything I ever seen on her. Not that I'm complaining though.

No One's P.O.V.

Astonished by Pacifica's choice of clothing Dipper completely forgot about the situation at hand with Carly.

"Uh oh right this is Carly" Dipper said turning to face Pacifica Carly's hand falling back to her side.

"Nice to meet ya I'm Pacifica Pines." Pacifica the struck out her hand waiting for Carly to take it. When she didn't she knew it was an act of WAR! "Hmm... well I'm sure Dipper here was wonderful company." Pacifica new that if she was to show that Dipper was her's she'd have to step out of comfort zone just a little. She put an arm around Dippers neck bringing herself closer to him. Much closer than that Carly girl could ever get. "Hey Dipper remember when you snuck into my house and tried to steal the journals?"

"Which time I've sneaked into your house several times." Dipper said oblivious to the 2 girls and their mental war.

"Oh so you guys have been over to each others house before?" Carly said not backing down from the fight.

"Yeah it's the bond we share he'll come over to my house and vice versa. Then again the things that happen in he house are not known by the public" Pacifica knew lying wasn't good but she wasn't completely not telling the truth. Her and Gideon fight the Gleeful's all the time but Carly didn't know what she meant.

"Yeah but is bond really the word Pacifica?" Dipper said looking at the girl not noticing how close they are.

"Hmm...I guess your right. What would be the word? Hey Carly what do you think-" Pacifica stopped in mid sentence because the girl had left. After realizing she had lost the war and Pacifica claimed dipper as hers she left not even looking back. "Oh Dipper looks like you're 'friend' left." Pacifica said with extra venom on friend.

"Strange I didn't realize she left." Dipper said confused on the situation.

"Oh well" Pacifica said with a grin. Pacifica then ran back into the store changed back into her normal clothes faster than you could say "fabulous" and went back to Dipper this time not touching him. By the end of the day Dipper had only one thought as he laid in his bed thinking aloud.

"Wait... What happened toady."

That was fun. Since Pacifica isn't one to wear revealing clothing I thought this was her chance to finally do it. Anywhoo wherever you are good morning or good night. PEACE OUT!!!

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