Chapter 4

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Ari pov

Today had gotten off to a great start. After narrowly avoiding my father who was pissed off for who knows what reason. I found my self sitting in the councillors office learning why I shouldn't harm myself. Damm I really hated Erik right now.
The guidance councilor came back into the room. "Now Ari you can tell me if you cut yourself here. This is a safe place."
"For the third time I don't cut myself."
"Sweetheart how do you explain the scars on your arm then."
"I fell and scraped myself."
"Ari I want to know what really happened. I can tell those scars are intenional."
"Ok fine you want to know what happened. I was playing with this knife I had. I wanted to see if I could do this trick I had seen on Youtube. Long story short I couldn't. It landed on my arm and left a scar. I tried to hide it because I was embarrassed."
She looked like she didn't really believe me. Why was she so sure I cut myself.
"Alright Ari, but if there's anything you ever want to talk about here's my card." She said looking at my arm. "And you can always find me here at school."
I took the card and left the office.
Only to be greeted by the person that started all this.
"So how was the guidance office."
"Why do you care Erik "
"No reason specifically just curious."
"Well you know what they say about That."
"Ha very funny Ari. I'm not a cat though so I think I'll be just fine."
"Ok I have a question for you." I said shoving him against a wall. "Why do you insist on talking to me if all you like to do is try to make life hell."
He almost looked a little shocked. "I wouldn't say that. I've always seen you as a friendnemy."
"I think thats a load of crap. But I think I've already reached my limit for how much time I can stand being around you today." I said walking off.
"Love you to Ari."
The rest of the day passed rather uneventfully. You know aside from the fact that people gave me weird looks in the hallway but that's nothing new.
I decided to go the main way home this time from school because I simply didn't want to be there yet and it took longer.
*Time Skip*
I opened the door to my house and headed straight to my bedroom. I put a chair under the door handle and felt strangely tired. It wasn't that late but it was kind of sleepy so I figured I would take a nap.
*time skip*

Jeff pov

I had grown bored and was walking near the mansion. I couldn't help but think a little about Ari. She didn't seem scared of me a all and it bothered me a little bit. I found myself wanting to know why wasn't she scared of me.
That's it I had made up my mind to go and see her. It might help relieve this boredom a little. I mean I could always just go on a killing spree but I was feeling a little lazy at the moment and this took less effort. I headed to her house.
In no time I was there. I snuck in through the open window when I got there. I looked around and noticed a chair under the handle of her door. I didn't know what exactly that was there for but if it was to try and stop me then it miserably failed.
I heard a small noise looked down and saw her sleeping which I found to be a little odd because it wasn't even that late yet. I just watched her sleep for a moment. I hadn't really noticed before but she had really pale skin not quite as white as mine but fairly pale. But that wasn't the main thing that stuck with me she had quite a few scars on her arm. I silently wondered how she got them.
As I stood there wondering what I should do while watching her sleep I had the perfect idea. I got real close to her and yelled "Go to Sleep"
And man did she jump.
Ari pov

I was sleeping peacefully in till I heard a loud voice yell at me. I didn't register what they said for a minute. I saw what was responsible for making me jump. There was a smiling bastard sitting on the end of my bed.
"Jeff you ass"
He was to busy laughing to notice I had said anything. Then I realized what he said.
"Why the hell did you wake me up to tell me to go to sleep."
"Calm down sweetheart its my thing"
It pissed me off a little bit when he called me sweetheart.
"How did you even get in here."
"You left your window unlocked and slightly open."
I looked up at the open window. Oh I mentally face palmed.
I sat there steaming for a minute.
"Why did you even come here."
"I got bored."
I threw a pillow at his face. He grabbed it before it hit his face much to my annoyance .
"I got to ask though." He said grabbing my arm. "Were did you get these scars."
"Why does everyone want to know that! None of your damn business."
He looked like he was about to say something but I shushed him. I could of sworn I had heard something. Loud footsteps coming down the hall.
"Oh crap"
"You have to go, hide, leave or...or something."
I said shoving him towards my closet. I heard my door handle shake as I shoved Jeff inside and ran to open the door.
"What did you want dad."
"Why the hell couldn't I get your door open."
"Sorry it sticks sometimes."
There was a load echo of a slap throughout the room. I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek.
"I found out you cut classes in the afternoon yesterday."
I rubbed my cheek. "I'm sorry dad... I wont let it happen again."
He slapped me again.
"Your Damm right it won't happen again. It will be worse than a few petty slaps next time"
He left the room slaming my door shut in the process. I sank down my door a bit. I hated my dad I really did. I pulled my knees up to my chest and rested my forehead on them.
I heard the sound of a door creak open and jumped a bit. Scared he had come back. But the door was still shut. I felt someone get closer to me.
"Hey you Alright?"
I looked up and saw Jeff staring at me with a concerned look in his eye.
I had forgotten I had left him in my closet. But I was surprised I didn't expect a killer to be concerned.
" Im not sure why you care but I'm fine. I don't even know why I'm freaking out this minor crap compared to what he's done before.
"Alright....." He said then left.
Jeff pov

I couldn't explain it. But when I had seen Ari father smack her It filled me with rage. I mean I had done worse things to people for sure. But I guess I felt bad for her. Nothing more.
I'm not sure why I did. I just did. I decided to stop thinking about it and just head back to the mansion.

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