Chapter 1

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I ran to my room and locked the door. I hated that man that I called dad. I got a few bandaids and put them on the cuts on my hands that I had received from him. Dear old dad was a bitter old drunk. His favorite pastime it seemed was to beat me whenever something pissed him off. I slid down my wall. I missed my mom. She got tired of his crap and left. And that's when the abuse started. I guess secretly it had always been there. Since whenever mom wasn't around he would mentally abuse and put me down but it turned physical when she left for good.

"Ari!" I could hear him yell.

What did he want now. Hadn't he already had enough. I didn't want to get hurt anymore. I hadn't even had time to properly bandage my fresh wounds. I took a chair and stuck it under my door handle. I grabbed my bag and my white jacket then climbed out my window. I ran into the woods. I would hide there until he calmed down. It was cold outside so I put on my jacket. I pulled the hood over my head trying to warm myself.

I walked for a good while looking for a good place to set up camp. I noticed it started to rain. Great this is just what I needed. I walked for a bit more till I thought I saw something in the distance. I walked quicker to it. Once I was there I saw it looked like a Abandoned Mansion. Normally this would seem like a terrible idea but hoping to get out of the rain I tried the door but had no luck.

Disappointed and tired I sat at the bottom of the door. It wasn't much butt at least the house had a small veranda that kept the rain from falling directly on me. I pulled my hood further down my face as I tried to keep from shivering.

??? Pov

I went downstairs to get some food when I thought I saw something white outside the window. Was he back already? I opened the door confused.

"Jeff what are you." He fell backwards his head landing on my feet. But then I noticed it wasn't him it was some random girl.

"What the why."

I bent down and picked her up so she was resting in my arms. I walked inside the house. Not sure what to do with her and honestly surprised she was still sleeping.

"Hey Slendy"

He teleported into the room.

"I thought I told told you not to call me that."

" Um I found a girl. What do you want me to do with her?"

I readjusted her in my arms and noticed one of her sleeves had slipped. I went to fix it but saw all the cuts on her arm. Some looked fresh while others were just scars.

Poor girl I thought. I couldn't help it I felt just a little bad for the girl.

"Hey Slendy can she stay here for the night."

He looked like he was contemplating something for a minute.

"Fine I guess for one night."

I thanked him and took her to the only empty room at the moment. I took her up to Jeff's room since he was out at the moment.

I opened the door and put her down on the bed. I couldn't explain it but something about her was seemed very interesting.

His Property (Jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now