Chapter 28

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Deorsa pov

I sat in the club near the back. The music was riddiuculousy loud. But the lack of lighting concealed my presence a little bit.
I was surprised she had chosen to come to this place of all places. It didn't really seem like her. But maybe that could be part of the reason why. I had ended up following her here. I looked up at where she was sat at the bar. It seemed like she was just watching people. She had come all this way but she wasn't going to do anything how strange.
Her eyes met mine for a second but I don't think she could tell who I was. Our breif shared glance didn't last long. To dudes in their twenties I think decided to walk up to her blocking my view.
One was obviously trying to get her attention but it wasn't him I was paying attention to. It was his friend that had my interest. He was pulling Something out of his pocket. And as soon as his friend had complety distracted Ari he slipped it into her drink. That bastard so that was there plan drug her and then do who knows what to her.
They left after she looked annoyed. I left my spot on the wall and was making my way through the crowd when I saw her looking for someone. I stopped for a moment could it be me possibly? That she was looking for. She seemed to give up and turned to her drink downing a lot of it in one go.
No don't drink that. Great I tried to focus on shoving my way out of the crowd. But by the time I made it through the crowd she seemed to have lost interest in the drink and gone somewhere else. Great now I had to track her down. I went and looked at her drink and saw that it was empty to. Wonderful just freaking great. Hopefully whatever they gave her doesn't work that quickly.
I heard the door open and saw the two dudes from before heading out the back door. That must be where she went then. I headed to the door and out. I saw her pinned up against the wall.
How dare they touch her! Don't they know who she belongs to. Of course not I wouldn't let trash soil what is mine.
I was going kick this ass off of her but she surprised me by kneeing the guy in the balls. I smiled, she may be a little drugged but she still had fight in her. I ran up and kicked the dude away from her.
"Mystery dude! You came to help me."
I heard her say. Was she actually happy to see me? That would be a first.
"What the hell are you doing."
The happy look on her face dropped quickly.
"Creepy British Guy?"
So I was right she hadn't recognized me. That's a little disappointing however I had other things to deal with at the moment. I turned my attention to the agrovatied men looking at me. They stormed towards me. Trying to scare me off. As if I would be intimated by thier stature turn tail and run.
I took him on and dodged most of his punches while sending a few of my own in. I was winning and when the other guy realized that he decided to take out a knife and start swinging wildly. I laughed such a cheap tactic wouldnt work on me. I disarmed him and took his knife. I began stabbing him in turn and when it finally seemed he was gonna give up I delivered a final blow killing him.
One down, now where's the other one huh. I looked up and saw him running away. Pathetic I took out two of my throwing knives and aimed them right at his legs. I hit him precisely and he went down. Good it's easy to deal with scum like him when's he's immobile. I pulled his friends knife out of his body and headed over to him. I looked him straight in the eyes as he was trying to crawl away and escape his desperate situation. I stabbed him in the throat with his friends knife. I took my own knives back and headed on over to where Ari was waiting.
She had moved further away but I was surprised that she hadn't tried to run while I was fighting them. Did I not scare her anymore? Or was she simply unable to. I hoped it was the latter.
"So now what CBD am I next?"
Another new nickname I was getting tired of these.
"Oh no my sweet Ari if I had wanted to kill you I would of done it along time ago." I said with a snide tone to my voice. "After all I had so many opportunities so far. But no I have something else planned for you my dear."
"Then what do you have planned huh."
Im surprised did she think I would actually tell her.
"I'm afraid your going to have to wait to know the answer on that one. If I told you it would ruin all my fun."
She gave me this look like she was annoyed with me being all cryptic.
"I will reveal to you one thing. All though I adore all your little pet names." I said sarcastically. "I would rather you call me by my name."

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