Chapter 10

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I opened my door to my house. All the lights were still off and it still seemed empty. I let out a breath of relief I didn't know how long this would continue but I was gonna enjoy every second of it while it lasted.
I dropped my bag by the door and went to kitchen to get some food. But then I heard a creek come from the floor board.
"Looks like your finally back. Did you have fun with that boy DollFace."
I heard him hiss then throw something at the ground.
I looked over and saw it was Jeff.
"For your information No and how did you even see that were you following me today."
"It sure looked like you were having fun."
"Then your obviously delusional. Why do you even care anyway." I said reaching in a cabinet to grab a bag of chips.
"No particular reason. I just think I might have found my next victim." I dropped the bag a bit surprised about what I had just heard.
Without thinking I grabbed his hoodie and pulled him closer.
"You listen here Jeffrey if you even think about hurting him there will be hell to pay. He has teased, mocked and humiliated me for the last 2 years. So if anyone's going to inflict any sort of pain on that boy it will be me."
"You talk awfully tough but it sounds like your just trying to protect him to me." He hisssed.
"Yeah well you just sound like your jealous." I said letting go of his hoodie.
"Ha Don't make me laugh. Your my property nothing more."
I gave him this umm excuse me look. "Your imposible" I said then walked away bag in hand to the living room.
After a few minutes a still annoyed looking Jeff followed me into the living room and sat on the couch next to me. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. He still looked annoyed.
"Well someones still mad."
"Gee I wonder what gave that away Dollface." He said venom lacing his words.
"I still don't get why your so annoyed."
"Do I really have to explain why?" He said with a devious look on his face.
I decided to play along. "Oh yes Jeffery please do enlighten me."
"Stop useing my full name."
"I don't see a problem with it Jeff-ery." I said deliberately strenching out his name a little bit.
He seemed to get even more pissed than I thought he would. Because In one swift movement. I went from sitting up teasing him. To being pinned down by a mad killer hovering over me.
"Oh shit....." I quietly murmed and laughed a little.
"Do you want to continue taunting me now there." He said with a half crazed look in his eye. I decided I should probably stop there but for some reason I said this.
He looked generally surprised for a second there and I was surprised myself a little to. Not sure why I said that I just tried to avoid his slightly intimating gaze.
"Maybe" I heard him repeat under his breath. I felt him grab my chin and tilt it up so I was forced to look at him.
Ahh why, why must you make me look up at you like this. I watched him stare at my face in such curiosity like he was trying to unravel the secrets that laid behind it. All traces of his former anger gone. I couldn't take it anymore I felt my cheeks start to turn a little red. Nooooo betrayed by my own body.
"You astound me." I heard him say.
Then he released me.
Ahh I wanted to couch to swallow me whole after being throughly embarrassed by Jeff.


Jeff pov

I sat on her couch thinking. God she infuriated me at times but she also confused the hell out me to. What had she meant by that. I normally can't scare her or get any sort of rise out of her but now I've somehow managed to shut her up.
A few minutes passed like this with me pondering on these things and her in stunned silience. In till she decided to speak up.
"You might see him here though a couple times during the week."
"We were made partners for a project at school so you might see him here a few times during the week."
I didn't respond and tried to ignore the angry feeling flaring up in my gut again.

Sorry for being so crappy with updating this story guys I feel bad about that.
But I still would love to hear your guys thoughts about it in the comments. And I'm still very open to listening to any ideas you have for the story and If I like it I'll put it in the story and give you credit for your idea.

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