The Capitol

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Author's Note:

Lol. I  love how I say 'Author's note' every chappy. :D So how are you all liking TCG? Yeah, I amazed myself. See, this story has a life of its own. And here again (mostly to remind me) is the one annoying thing I do.


*tear* Here's the next chappy.



Daffrian POV

When I climbed onto the mega-train I expected it to be, well, mega. It's more than mega. It's HUGE. And the food that we have to's weird. Espically this gigantic bird.

"WHAT is it?" I ask Vitrese, staring at it. "It looks like a giant duck."

"I think that it's called a treskey," she replies, squinting, as if the name would float out of the treskey's cooked flesh.

"Still," I mutter. "It doesn't look edible." I poke the bird with my finger then jump back a split second after, acting as if I thought the treskey would bite me or something.

Vitrese stifles a giggle. "Watch out, I don't know if it's dead. You might get bit."

I roll my eyes. "You've been hanging out with Faeryn too much."

She gives me a glare. "Puh-lease. I can handle my own sarcasm."

"Oh, really? Says the one who is like 3 foot 2."

If she was a cat, she would bristle. "What does height have to do with this? And I am NOT 3 feet tall. I'm like 5'3" you hypocrite. You are always irratable about everything. You always pick on me for being short. There's more to me than just my height, you know." She walks away from me, towards the direction of her room.

Gah! Why do I always have to mess up talking to her??? Why?

I turn my face and glare at the treskey, it staring back. "What?" I ask it, "Do you think that you could have done better?"

It stares back with lifeless brown eyes.


Vitrese POV

I throw myself onto my bed and put my face on my pillow. I can't believe he made fun of me again. Why does he do that? Why does he always pick on me?

I sigh quietly and sit up. I've always liked him; since we started school together to be exact. But he was always with Kindra and her group. Always with them. The Pretties, as Mekanna and I would call them. Mekanna is my best friend....or...was now that I'm in the Games. I know that I'll never see her again.

I hate the Capitol. I HATE them for making us having to fight against kids our age. And I can't even think about what might happen to Daffrian.

I just wish that neither of us would have gotten picked. At least I would've still been able to dream that I might have a slim chance of marrying him. But now I'll never know if we might've. We'll both die here in the Games. One of the Careers will win these Games, no doubt.

And the Great Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark won't be able to save us. They are old, feeble. They can accomplish nothing. They can give us nothing to help us win. We go into the Games unprepared. We go in, fighting for our lives and family, but the only thing that we will get in return for our efforts is death. Our friends will die around us. Even if we make an alliance, we, even in the end, have to kill them before they kill us.

I pray that I am not the one who kills Daffrian. I pray that he will win, but the chances of his survival are almost nonexistant. I hope that I die quickly and away from him, so that he will not suffer the loss of me. I would not want to cloud his judgement with revenge. If given the chance, I'll do what Mags did and sacrifice myself to save him. But could I ever be as brave as her? Could I give my life for my friend?

I push my bangs from my face. Yes. I believe I could. No, I know that I could. If needed be.

Knock, knock, knock. I look up. "Who's there?" I call.

"We've arrived at the Capitol, Miss Myonesse. Please join us in the dining room before we disembark."

The Capitol. The scourge of all my problems. The bitter enemy of the Districts. The one who sends off two of my friends each year to have them mercilessly killed in these ridiculous Games.

No one can stop them. Katniss Everdeen tried, and she did win, for a while, but what did it cost her? The life of her sister, her true love, her sanity. But, of course, after many years, the Capitol had risen again. Their revenge was merciless. They went through Districts, killing innocent people standing in the streets. They stopped at District 7. I guess that they got bored of the slaughter of their scared subjects.They decided to do the one thing that had made the Rebels group in the first place.

They reinstated the Games, starting with number 76. When the Capitol announced that the Games were going to be starting again, I know that Katniss and Peeta wanted to take their children and run, but President Miekael put a law stating that if any of the old Tributes are found missing, the Peacekeepers are ordered to question the district and the old Tribute's friends and family at will. That also means that because of Katniss and Peeta being the main problem of the Old Capitol, they have a death warrant on their heads. If they leave District 12 any other time than the time of the Games, they are to be shot on site if found or captured.

So with that happening, Katniss, not wanting to risk the lives of her children and friends, stayed put and have not gone anywhere except the Cpaitol during the Games each year. Each year, they have failed to bring back even a single Tribute from our District. And now, they are as old as dust. They can barely stand without the wind pushing them over.

We are going to die, Daffrian and I. I can do nothing to stop it. Nothing to prevent it. It will happen. It is better to accecpt my fate, than deny it.

I take a deep breath and step out of my room. I walk down the hall into the dining room where sat Adonia, Katniss, Peeta, and their grandson, my friend, my love, Daffrian.

We are all doomed. Doomed to die or be slaves at the Capitol's whim. We cannot stand to grasp what we face.


Well, did you like it? I did a POV from Vitrese. I didn't really MEAN to, but it just sorta happened. just like Daffrian being a jerk. Now I bet that you didn't expect Vitrese to have a crush on Daffrian, did you? Well, now, MOST of the girls in District 12 swoon over 'that big hunk of sexyness' as my friend, Sam would say. :) Well, if you liked you should........................................

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