The 98th Hunger Games ~Flash Forward~

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Unknown Character POV

I turn and run. They're after me. I can't out run them. The Careers have chosen me as their next victim. They killed the girl from my District, Dezzie, and now they're going to get me.


"AHHH!" I scream loudly at the sound of the Mutt Bird.

"He's this way!" "Let's get him!"

I shouldn't have screamed. Now they know where I am. Nice one, Phyn. Real smooth.

The sounds of their pursuit become more vigorous. They are gaining. They want me dead. I will be. I can't take all of them on. Hell, I can't take any of them on. The Careers are as bad as a band of wolves after a meal.

I risk a look back over my shoulder. Good, they haven't caught up yet. The roots and vines and bushes here are getting thicker, slowing them down. But slowing me down as welll. "Gah!" I loose my footing and trip on a tree root. I fall to the ground, sword flying a good 20 yards away. I flip over onto my back only to be surrounded by five Careers. The big, burly guy from District 1 steps forward.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Mr. Seaweed," he says, mocking my hair and my birthplace. The Career pack leader turns to his accomplices. "How should we kill this one? Should we make a show for the audience or should we kill him fast and be after Vitrese and her little Lover?" He and his friends throw back their heads and laugh loudly. Somehow, I know that the cameras are trained on us. I have to do something. I set my face grimly. Great, now I'm for SURE gonna get killed.

I jump to my feet, as he's distracted, and punch him sqare in the nose. It cracks and blood begins to gush from it. Two of the other Careers, the Twins from District 2, grab me and hold me in place.

The Career leader, looking slightly suprised, puts two fingers to his nose and pulls them away, coated in blood. 'You shouldn't have done that Seaweed.' He grins at me, full of malice. "Hold him still boys, I'm going to make him suffer slowly." He reaches in his boot and pulls out a knife, that I recognise. My eyes widen. "You remember the bite of Poision." That's what he calls his blade. Dipped in Mutt venom.

I close my eyes, waiting for the final blow. But instead, I fall to my knees, hearing an 'ugh' and the resounding 'thump' of a falling body.

"Let's get out of here!" I open my eyes just in time to see the Careers fleeing. I turn to my right.

A girl and a boy are grinning at me. The boy has a bloody dagger, and he's standing over one of the Twins.

The girl, whom I recognise as Vitrese, holds out her hand. "Want to join us?"

I nod and take her hand. "I'm Phyn."


Just a short, quick chappy!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2012 ⏰

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