Jacob Imagine For Shona

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This is it. Your first time going to magcon!! You were over the moon excited. You were wearing a cute outfit (pic above) and curled your hair with mascara, eyeliner and contour/highlight. Just as you finished getting ready, your mom yelled "Shona? It's time to go, come on!" "Ok one sec I'll be right there!" You yelled back. You did a little touch up on your hair and makeup and went down stairs. "Wow, Shona you look nice!" Your mom says. "Thanks! Now let's go we can't be late!!"

Skip car ride

"Oh my gosh mom thank you so much! I can't believe I'm about to meet Jacob!!! Ok so come get me at 3! Byeee!!!"

"Bye Shona see you then!"
You walked into magcon and got to the front for the performance. You cheered very loud and Jacob kept looking at you

Is there something wrong with my hair?

Is there my makeup ruined?

Do I look bad?

Millions of thoughts were running through your head.

When the show was over, you went backstage for the meet and greet.

You got in line for Jacob, good thing it wasn't very long! When it was your turn, you got some cute pictures together and he put you on his snapchat story. Then he says "you're soooo pretty," "aww thanks Jacob!" You answered, then he slipped a paper in your pocket.


You added him into your contacts as Jacob💘 and you left to see other guys.

Skip to the end of magcon

You saw your mom pull up (skert😂) and got in the car. "Why are you so happy?" "JACOB GAVE ME HIS NUMBER!!!!" "Aww sweetie that's great!"
You looked at your phone and decided to text Jacob.


Hey! This is the girl from the meet and greet, right?

Ya that's me!!

Cool ok so ask your mom if you can come to the next few your stops w/ ussss

K one sec.

"Mom Jacob wants to know if I can go to the next few tour stops with him." "Sure honey that's ok!"

I can go!

Awesome! Meet us at subway on Manning.

Ok I'll be there in an hour bc I gotta pack

Ok bye💙


"Mom hurry I have to pack!"
"Ok honey hold on!"

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