Safety Enforcers Of The World Law

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I woke up in a dim lit room on a mattress that felt like rocks I looked around the room that I slept in at SEWL. Usually my friends slept in the same room but nobody was here this morning. I clambered out of bed and opened the door into the main hallway. People were rushing around as always in SEWL's main building. Something was wrong. None of the heroes were here talking or laughing like usual unless there was a mission which couldn't be true. 

They would have woken me for a mission.

 I walked into the control room where I spend most of my time with the other Intel agents. "hey what's going on where is everyone" I stopped speaking when I noticed they were all focused on the screen monitors. Someone waved at me to sit down so I took a seat at my desk. 

Through the com Lacy, another Intel agent, spoke "mission A92Y in progress, agent's Dakota, Raelyn, and Quinn are on." That meant Scarlet wasn't going deployed for this mission she must have been pissed that Quinn to go on without her. Mission A92Y was a recovery job our heavy agents shouldn't be there, they should have sent just Dakota and Raelyn to bring our guy in. this was all wrong. Quinn would never be in the field without her twin and a recovery job should not require Quinn at all it was easy stuff.

 "what's happening why did no on wake me? Where's Scarlet? And why is Quinn there they don't need her for recovery?" I spoke back to Lacy over the com. She just waved a hand at me and started giving orders to our field agents. They would tell me after what was happening they were just busy right now, I'm positive of it.
 I watched on the screen as smoke started filling up the air and our agents struggled to breathe, then a cyclone came out of nowhere and took Raelyn off her feet, then Dakota. Quinn was the only one left standing. The cyclone suddenly stopped, Q probably got to it with her abilities.

 She started helping Rae and Dakota to their feet when she screamed in pain, her hands went over her ears and she collapsed and lay there without moving. The others stood over her bewildered, Dakota reached out to see if there was an injury he could heal and Rae spoke into the com "what do we do, we were totally compromised. They took out our best solider we can't take them out" Raelyn crouched and tried to see through the fog and the cyclone came again and with it a boy of about 18 years stood behind it.

 I couldn't hear what he said but Rae and Dakota gathered Quinn in their arms and started running. "What's happening agents? We couldn't hear what he said" I spoke.

Dakota commed back "will tell you later. Send a chopper Q needs help" 

I signed off the com and motioned for Lacy to dispatch the helicopter when Scarlet burst in "where the hell is my sister!" she saw the monitor's and turned her glare onto me "you sent her out without me. What the hell Kai!" 

I backed up Scarlet was scary when she was angry " I just woke up I didn't send them anywhere I'm as confused as you are." 

She stalked out of the room and I turned to Lacy "so what was happening there. Mission A92Y was recovery only Raelyn and Dakota should have handled that just fine"

"and they did at first. But we were ambushed they knew we were coming we sent Quinn out to help but we couldn't find Scarlet anywhere, we couldn't find you either. Where have you been?"

"I have been asleep I woke up and came here. How were we ambushed? someone on the inside?" she shook her head "Ill go and let Scarlet know what happened and ask where she was"

I walked out of the control room and found Scar sitting by the door with her head in her hands. She looked up when I approached "I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you I was just so mad when Quinn was out there but not me. What were they even doing?"

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