Chapter 3

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-Day of the Concert-

Aimee’s POV:

We arrived at the arena at 2:00pm (even though the doors didn’t open til 5:00pm, we were just so excited!). After a while we all got very hungry so we went to get a snack from McDonalds. And yes, the way we were dressed did get us some weird looks… ha ha. We were just checking through our stuff to make sure we had everything when we saw Marissa stand up, frantically searching through her bag. “Maris, you okay?” asked Em.

“My ticket! I can’t find it!” Marissa replied. We all began to worry. It was 3:30pm and the arena was an hours train ride from where we lived so we couldn’t go back home. Besides, what if we couldn’t get a train at the right time to come back? But if Marissa couldn’t find her ticket, none of us would be able to go to the concert - we were best friends, we couldn’t leave one person outside! “Marissa, just calm down, we’ll find it! Are you sure you brought it with you?” I asked.  She just burst into tears and ran out crying. We all ran after her but she’d gone. We looked around for her and found her after about 15 minutes in a corner by the arena. Marissa hardly ever cried, and she wouldn’t give up looking for something unless she really couldn’t find it. My heart sank. I’d been waiting for this day for a whole year. I wasn’t going to blame it on Marissa though, we all make mistakes. Kennedy, Em and I sat down next to her and tried to calm her down. Just then, the most amazing thing ever happened. “Hey girls, you okay?” It was an American accent. A man’s voice. His voice sounded familiar. He sounded just like… I looked up. “OH MY GOSH SCOOTER FREAKING BRAUN OH MY GOSH IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING!?” screamed Emily. I just stood there in awe, speechless, just like Kennedy and Marissa. “Hey, hey, hey, calm down! Ha ha” Scooter told Em. She took deep breaths and tried to calm down so Scooter could actually talk to us. “So, I saw you crying, you okay?” he asked Marissa. All she could do was stand there, mouth wide open, star struck. I had to speak for her as it was getting kind of awkward for Scooter just standing there. “Oh sh-she f-forget her t-t-ticket” I managed to get out, though I sounded stupid stuttering so much. “Hmm…” said Scooter. Wait… I’d seen this in Never say Never… Was Scooter going to… Oh. My. Bieber. There in his hand were 4 tickets. He held them out to us. “Here are 4 tickets for the front row. Enjoy the show, girls!”

“OH MY GOSH THANK YOU SO MUCH!” we screamed. Scooter hugged us all and we got to take a picture with him before he wandered off into the back door. I could not believe what had just happened.

A few hours passed and soon enough it was 5:00pm and people were rushing inside the arena. We had to go down a different ramp than most of the other people as we were at the front row! The opening act was Willow Smith. She sounded great and we got some really close up pictures of her. After she’d gone off stage the 15 minute countdown started. At every minute that went down everyone screamed!

 5…4…3…2…1 ‘Are you ready for the show!?’ appeared on the screen. The next thing I heard was “It’s JB…” then thousands of screams as the boy of my dreams came out and sang ‘Love Me.’ Every one sang along with every word. He threw his purple glasses out into the crowd then smiled down at us when he saw our posters. Omb. That smile made my life! I swear I caught him looking at me more than once throughout that song…

After about 5 minutes a security guard (sadly not Kenny) came over and told us to put our posters down. Then we saw Alfredo Flores run past right in front of the stage and everyone in the front row went crazy. About half way through the show, Justin sang ‘Never Let You Go’ in a big, metal heart above the crowd. It was amazing! What happened next was something I’ll never forget. Something that I could only imagine happening in my dreams. Someone walked up to me – Allison Kaye. All I heard over the screams was “…the one less lonely girl?” Kennedy, Marissa and Emily heard too, and they just stood there staring out me, mouths wide open, in the same amount of shock I was in. “Y-YES!” I screamed. Allison helped me climb over the barrier and took me backstage. My 3 best friends were going crazy for me. I was speechless. I was going to be the One Less Lonely Girl. Oh. My. Bieber.

 Justin’s POV:

As I was singing Love Me I spotted the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. I couldn’t stop looking at her; she looked so happy and excited. I had to break my gaze from her and keep on singing, yet she didn’t leave my mind. No, I had to get over her, she was just another girl at my concert. It’s not like I’ll ever get close to her…

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