Chapter 4

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Aimee’s POV:

I had butterflies in my stomach as I got a quick picture took with Ryan Good and Legaci before going on stage. I was shaking. Allison gave me a hug and I thanked her so much for choosing me. I quickly ran my fingers through my hair so I looked okay when I went out in front of thousands of people. I was watching from backstage as Justin got off the heart then started asking who was single and lonely to introduce his song. I could see my friends screaming for Justin as he smiled down at them. Then the music started playing for One Less Lonely Girl and that’s when it really hit me that my dream was about to come true. “How many I told ya’s and start overs and shoulders have you cried on before?...” wow, he sounded like an angel! “Go on, have fun!” Allison said. I walked out and the dancers grabbed a stool for me. The view was amazing – thousands of camera flashes and beliebers looking so happy to be seeing the one boy that meant everything to them live in concert. I saw Kenn, Maris and Em and threw them a quick wave before looking over to my left to see Justin Bieber walking over to me, singing with a bunch of roses in his arms. When he got over to me he handed them to me and stared right into my eyes while his hand softly laid down on my cheek. “How many dinner dates set dinner plates and he didn’t even touch his food?...” All I could do was sit there and smile like an idiot. He went round the back of me and his strong arms embraced me in the best hug ever. He was so close that I could feel his warm breath on my neck. Oh, and he smelt so good! Ha ha. I can’t even describe how in love I felt at that moment. Then he let go of me but intertwined my fingers with him and walked me down to the very front of the stage. “One less lonely girl, one less lonely girl, there’s gunna be one less lonely girl” Justin turned to face me then put his hand on my cheek again and took a step closer towards me. “I’m gunna put you first, I’ll show you what you’re worth…” He stared into my eyes. His eyes are so amazing. I know this sounds crazy, but it sounded like he actually meant those words that were coming out of his mouth. Screams filled the air even louder than before as the Biebs leaned his forehead against mine and sang the last line. “One less lone-leey, girrrrl. Only you shawty!” Then he pulled me into a hug. “THANK YOU!” he shouted out to the crowd. Before the dancers led me off stage I flashed him one last smile and he returned it, his white teeth glistening in the light. Those 2 minutes were undoubtedly the best minutes of my whole entire life!

Justin’s POV:

The one less lonely girl walked out on stage and as usual I took the flowers over to her. But when I was walking towards her I realised who it was… It was her. The girl I’d seen on the front row. Oh my gosh, she looked even more beautiful close up. If it wasn’t for stupid security I would’ve kissed her right there. She just looked so perfect. She probably didn’t realise but I meant those words that I was singing, “Seen so many pretty faces, now I all I see is you…” No, Justin, snap out of it. She’s just another belieber. It’s just that something felt different when I hugged her… It felt right. It’s never felt like that with any other of the OLLGs. No, even if I did get to be with her it wouldn’t work out. Long distance relationships never work out.

-Next Day-

Aimee’s POV:

Saturday. I lay in bed til 12:00pm then I remembered I had to get up as I was going to the mall with Kenn, Marissa and Em. Then I thought about last night. I was the one less lonely girl. Oh my gosh, that was so amazing. Anyway, I got up and dressed and headed out. My mom and dad were at work wouldn’t be back til 10:00pm so I had all day and most of the night to spend with my 3 best friends ever. We went to get movies then just walked in and out of random shops. After the movie we just talked about last night, but then we saw someone walking out of the cinema, and weirdly, he looked just like…Justin! We all ran over to him and got him to sign our clothes and then took a picture with him. Justin turned to face me and his eyes seemed to light up when he realised I was his OLLG last night. “Hey, meet me at the movie theatre around 6ish, yeah? It’d be great to get to know you better.” he smiled. Oh my gosh, did he just ask me on a date!? I blushed then managed to stay calm as I said “yeah sure, that’d be awesome, see ya later Justin.” He asked for my name and when he said it was a cute name I felt myself blush like crazy. Could my Bieber experience get any better!?

Justin’s POV:

I was spending two weeks in New York as a break from my tour. I decided to go see a movie then I saw her again – the one- I mean, Aimee. She had such a beautiful name. I asked her to meet me at the theatre for a date, well I didn’t tell her it was as a date, but hopefully she got the hint. I wanted to get to know her better, she seemed like the one.

Aimee’s POV:

The date with Justin went amazing! During the movie I swear I kept feeling him staring at me, but I found it cute so I decided not to look because I didn’t want him to stop. After that we went and got pizza and just talked for ages telling each other about our lives. I finally realised that he really is just a normal, 17 year old boy.  He gave me his number and walked me home. On the way back he put his arm around me the butterflies in my stomach went crazy! “Bye, Justin, thanks for a great time” I said. Then he leaned in and I realised he was wanted to kiss me. Of course, I wanted to kiss him too! It was my first kiss. Well, it would’ve been my first kiss right there if my dad hadn’t opened the door just as our lips were inches apart! We both jumped then I looked down at the time… 11:30pm. Crap. My curfew was 9:30. “Young lady, get in the house and straight up to bed now!” my dad shouted. Justin apologised then quickly walked off. I watched him from my bedroom window. How could my dad ruin what might be my only chance to kiss the boy of my dreams!? I text Justin to say goodnight and also say sorry about my Dad. He didn’t reply straight away, but I heard my phone beep indicating I had a new message just as my Dad burst through my door. “Young lady what are you doing out at this time with a boy!?” He really put emphasis on the word boy. He hates me being out with boys, I swear that man doesn't have the slightest bit of trust for m... I just stood there, wondering whether to tell him it was Justin Bieber, then said “Sorry dad.” I decided not to, he wouldn't believe me any way. He grounded me for two weeks and took my phone away before I could read Justin’s text. It was then that I remembered that Justin was only in New York for two weeks, and I couldn’t even text him to tell him that I’m grounded! I was so upset. I’d loved Justin Bieber the superstar for ever, but now I was starting to like him for him. This may be my only chance to ever get close to Justin but it just got destroyed by my stupid dad. 

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