Chapter 7

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Aimee’s POV:

Justin’s voice was so angelic as he sang One Time to me. He told me he loves me – I’m seriously the happiest girl on earth right now! “Will you be my girlfriend?” He asked. Just as I went to crash my lips on to Justin’s to let him know it was a yes, a familiar voice shouted “No she will not be your girlfriend!” Oh crap. I turned around to face my very angry looking parents. “Aimee Lily Smith what on earth do you think you are doing here!?” asked my mom, very sternly. I could tell by the look on their faces I was going to be grounded for a year. Justin just stood there, just as shocked to see them here as I was. “Er-erm Mom, Dad, I-I can explain…” I stuttered.

“Young lady go and get in the car right now. And you’’ my dad pointed at Justin, “who are you and what do you think you’re doing asking my daughter to be your girlfriend!?” I didn’t go to the car straight away. I couldn’t leave Justin to get shouted at by my parents. “Erm I’m Justin Bieber sir, you know, the singer? I just erm I think erm… Your daughter is a very nice girl, sir” he said. Aww, the Biebs was terrified! “Dad leave him alone. It’s my fault. I’ve been sneaking out while you two are at work for the past two weeks to hang with Justin. You know how much my friends and I love Justin Bieber and he only has two weeks in New York – well actually today is his last day. He’s leaving tomorrow. Sorry, I know I shouldn’t have lied but I know if I asked to meet him you would’ve said no! You know how protective you are over me when it comes to boys Dad, but I’m almost 16!” I said. I was trying to get my Dad to see that 16 is the age most girls have boyfriends but it wasn’t working too well… “Aimee Justin Bieber is 17 you are 15 the age difference is ridiculous! And him being such a big star you’ll be in the magazines and newspapers every day and the rumours will be ridiculous and there is no way you are dating him.” I was getting so mad at my dad. “Mom!? Tell Dad I have to have a boyfriend some day! And Justin is a really nice guy!” My mom just shrugged. “Well can I at least go to the airport tomorrow to say goodbye? It might be the last time I get to see him. Mom, Dad, I love Justin. How would you like to have someone tell you that you can’t be together?” Okay, that wasn’t a great choice of words because my dad just started shouting at me about how there’s no way I’m going to see Justin off at the airport tomorrow because of sneaking out and how I can’t be with Justin because it’s his fault that I sneaked out and that he’s a horrible kid. I had tears pouring down my face. I turned to Justin and mouthed “Sorry” before running off. I have no idea where I’m going to go, but there’s no way I’m getting in that car with my parents who won’t let me be with the one boy I love. I ran for about 15 minutes and found myself outside Justin’s hotel. I couldn’t go in, this hotel was like 5 stars and I look terrible from crying so much. I just lent against the wall and burst into tears. I never knew I’d be so upset being told I can’t be with the one I love. I pulled my phone and headphones out of my pocket and listened to Love Story – Taylor Swift. That song explains exactly how I feel right now. “And my daddy said stay away from Juliet but I was crying on the stair case begging you please don’t go…”  The song ended and I looked up to see Justin standing above me. A smile spread across my face and I threw my arms around him. I wrapped my legs around him and he carried me into his hotel room. This place was huge! We lay next to each other on Justin’s bed. He put his arms around my waist and we just stared into each other’s eyes. I could tell he’s just as upset as I am about us not being allowed to be together. “Justin, I love you.” I said. “I love you too Aimee.” He replied. We stayed like that for hours, talking about how we could have a secret relationship. We decided that’d be too difficult though, the paparazzi would soon find out and my parents would freak out. I’d be 18 in two years and be able to make my own decisions. But two years is too long to wait to be with Justin. I want to be with him now.

Justin’s POV:

Aimee’s parents were shouting at her. It broke my heart having to just stand there watching her cry as her parents said we can’t be together. She ran off so I had to run after her. I found her crying outside of the hotel I was staying at. I carried her in and lay with her on my bed for hours, just talking about how we could have a secret relationship or something. With me being such a big star, though, it’d never work out. I knew soon she’d have to go back. I thought about maybe introducing her to my parents right now, but I don’t think she’d want to meet my family with puffy eyes from crying so much. She still looked beautiful. As I was walking her back home, Aimee and I thought about what I could say to her parents. I had to convince them that it would be okay for me and her to be together.  I was at Aimee’s house for an hour. Her mom was apparently a belieber so she thought it would be amazing for us to be together, but her dad on the other hand wasn’t so easy. He wouldn’t even let her come and see me at the airport tomorrow. Luckily, I was allowed to say goodbye to Aimee who had ran up to her room, not wanting to speak to her parents. I knocked on her door gently. “Come in” she shouted. I walked in and sat on the edge of her bed. When she looked up and saw it was me her face lit up. She came and sat on my lap and I told her what her mom had said then what her dad had said. A small tear escaped from her eye when I told her that her dad won’t let her say goodbye to me tomorrow. I wiped it away with my thumb and stared into her eyes, then I pulled something out my pocket that I didn’t get to give her at the beach.

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