Unexpected Surprises

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Hi! I'm sorry for not posting! I feel absolutely horrible but I will blame it on school and work. Anyway, here's a new chappie and I will be trying to write as much as I can. xx


Mason's POV

I woke up to the sun shining through the airplane window. Stretching out my cramped back I looked at Janell who was sprawled out on the empty seat next to her and on my lap. Laughing, I looked at the time and it read '10:13 a.m.'. Why is it so early?! Janell wiggled around in her seat scaring me.

"Geez Jelli no need to make me scream this early." I said to her. She opened one eye then the other and gave me a look that said 'you're weird'. I shook my head in response and pushed her legs of my lap.

"Hey you were a nice footrest!" She whined with a pout. I stuck my tongue out at her then bent down grabbing my notebook and pen. But before I could actually write anything the pilot had to interrupt.

"Passengers, we will be descending into London in five minutes, please fasten your seatbelts." Listening to the voice I buckled my seatbelt, grabbing my notebook yet again to map out our destinations. Janell crawled over my lap to look out the window causing me to drop my pen. I groaned but she stuck her tongue out at me.

"Could you please get off my lap so I can get our destinations?"

"No because I wanna look at Lon- ooh Big Ben!" As soon as she said that though, I squished my head next to hers to look out at London. It was pretty but it was slightly cloudy giving it an iridescent light. Sitting back in my seat, I smiled to myself suddenly excited for this trip to start. Janell sat back in her seat satisfied with our overview of London. Deciding we could plan our destinations later I put my notebook back in my carry-on. When we finally landed, Jelli and I headed off the plane to get our luggage. We got to the carousel just looking around us at all the hustle and bustle of the people here.

I saw three hooded figures, dressed all in black and with shades on, inside! I scoffed jabbing Janell with my elbow and pointed at them before she could say anything.

"Who do you think they could be?" She questioned me.

"I have no clue but, crap they're looking." We both looked back at the carousel but out of the corner of my eye I could see two of them looking in our direction. I saw my luggage and pulled it out, setting it at my feet. Sitting down on top of it while waiting for Jelli to find hers, it fell backwards with me going down with it. Instead of being embarrassed that I now had everybody's attention I started laughing. Like the belly aching laughing. I could hear people laughing around me especially Jelli's as she pulled out her luggage. I sat up, noticing that the hooded figures were now smiling at me. This time I blushed and stood up, hiding my face.

"That was hilarious! I bet you just made someone's day." Janell was still laughing between words at my clumsy act. I smiled and punched her lightly in the arm.

"C'mon we gotta go get the car!" Grabbing my luggage not caring who was watching as I skipped to the airports entrance. Jelli trailed after me still giggling. We got outside and just had to take a selfie so we could put it in a collage of the places we went together.

"Let me see!" Janell cried with a smile on her face. This was gonna be fun!

Janell's POV

After leaving the airport, I had this feeling like we were being followed but every time I looked around there was no one out of the ordinary just staring at us or waiting for us to make a move. Smiling as I looked around, I hadn't even noticed I stopped walking until I heard my name being called.

"Jell, are you seriously gonna daydream or can we get to the hotel first?" Mason shot at me with an amused tone.

"Fine." Sighing I complied but smiled at her. Knowing she won she smiled brightly and kept walking to get to our hotel. I had that eerie feeling again and looked around me, but there was nothing but busy bodies trying to get where they needed to go. Speed walking to catch up to Mas, she was standing underneath the canopy staring at the hotel entrance. We walked in together going to the front desk.

"Reservation for Pieri." Mas says to the employee.

"Ah Ms. Pieri, here is your room key and would you like to stay another night or is it just tonight?" The boy must have been around twenty but he looked so bored.

"No just tonight is fine." Mas says with her signature smile. He gulped in response and said "bell hop" weakly trying not to give into a flirtatious state. I was silently laughing at boys, who were so easy to lure. To add to it I blew him a kiss.

"Thank you, Dylan." I said reading his name tag and walking off leaving him stunned. I was trying so hard not to laugh until we got in our room and couldn't take it any longer, I busted laughing while the bell hop looked ready to run. Mas was giving the bell hop a tip and then went into hysterics with me.

"Eek! Janell we are in London!!" She hops around excitedly. I smiled really big at her and did a happy dance. Once we finally settled down we grabbed our stuff to go see the car.

******* POV

After following the stunning American girls from the airport, they went into a hotel. We followed and went in discretely watching them go to the front desk and I could tell from the guys face he looked ready to pass out or give into them. It made me laugh as well as the others I was with. After they walked away I went up to the flustered guy.

"Hey man, do you mind us getting a room next to those girls?" I asked with a smirk.

"Um I dunno..." He said skeptically, eyeing me. I scoffed and put a wad of notes down.

"Please?" It wasn't like I was gonna kidnap them but he didn't know that.

"Fine, but we never speak of it again." He said cautiously handing me a room key.

"Thanks mate." I said before walking to the other boys. They looked at me expectantly and I held the key up. They smiled, heading for the lift.

"So where are the others?" I asked one of the other boys and he looked up from his phone.

"They will be here in about thirty minutes because they took the train two hours back."

"Perfect!" I said as he went back to his phone. I looked around me in the lift, seeing there was a mirror on one wall. I looked at my reflection and was super grateful that you couldn't tell who I was. The elevator dinged and we all walked out onto the 9th floor. We walked down the hall only to bump into the girls we were stalking. The one I fancied fell on top of me knocking off my raybans, and the other fell making it look like a doggie pile.

Groaning could be heard from my friends. I looked to the girl above me and she had the brightest green eyes I had ever seen. She blushed and mumbled sorry, not looking at me, which I was happy for because she would have probably recognized me. But unlucky for me, the universe wasn't working towards me, because she looked at me and her eyes widened.

Well, crap.


Anybody wanna guess who they are? But I'm pretty sure you ALL know who they are. By the way there is gonna be two love triangles ha! Funny... Anyway, love you guys! I'll update if I get five votes! And next chapter will be mostly Janell's and someone else POV.

Kylee .xx

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