You're American?!

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Ashton's POV

As the rest of us boys got off the lift there were two girls standing there with their heads down. They tried passing us but there was no space for them to so one walked into my arms while the other walked into Harry's. I could feel the stares on my back as she looked up at me. We gasped at the same time.

She was absolutely beautiful, with her long brown hair and ocean blue eyes. She had freckles sparkled over her nose and cheeks with what looked like no make-up besides mascara. Though her eyes rolled back in her head and she collapsed in my arms as I caught her. The other boys came rushing down the hallway to see if she was alright. I looked at the girl that had been accompanying the one that was in my arms. The girl ran out of Harry's arms to mine to grab her friend and take her from my arms, watching her lay her down on the floor, I put an end to the silence.

"Is she okay?" I asked the girl that was still conscious, as she looked at me. Woah, seriously where did these girls come from?! She was just as beautiful as the one that had fainted. With her auburn colored hair shorter than her friend but still long, and forest green eyes. She was wearing enough make-up to make her eyes pop but still showed she had blemishes on her forehead. But what surprised me more was when she talked.

"Yeah she's fine, she just probably freaked from seeing her favorite from 5SOS." She giggled whilst sticking her tongue out at me.

"Your American?!" I heard someone behind me whisper-ask but she had heard them, as her eyes darted to the figure.

"Yes I sure am!" She said laughing at our surprised states.

"But hey would one of you be kind enough to carry her back to our room?" She asked still smiling at us. I heard someone volunteer from behind me and then I saw Liam emerge from our group of us eight boys. He picked the unconscious girl up and waited for the girl to show us to their hotel room. She realized this as we all stared at her making her squirm under our gaze.

"Sorry, it's this way." She said as she started walking down the hall. "By the way my name's Mason." She smiled walking towards a door. I heard whispers behind me but I couldn't make out what they were saying so I broke the silence again.

"Can I ask why you're here in London if you're from the US?" I questioned as Mason opened the door for Liam, then smiled back at me.

"We are here because we just barely graduated high school and wanted to have a road trip around Europe for our Senior trip." She said as she ushered all of us boys into the room. As we all made it in we all kind of awkwardly stood by the door, Mason noticed this and laughed. Her laugh was full of joy like nothing could stop her happiness.

"You can make yourself comfortable I don't bite and neither does Janell." She said as we all made our way into the lounge area. There was a silence until Liam came into the room, then the air literally exploded with questions and a compliment.

"You know who we are?"

"You're very pretty."

"How old are you?"

"Where do you live?"

"How long have you been a fan?"

"How old is-"

"Woah guys give her some space, give her one question at a time." Mikey said trying to get us all to hush, while she smirked at us and had a blush on her cheeks. Probably from the compliment I debated.

"Let's start from the beginning, yeah? My name is Mason Rose, I'm 18 and I'm from Utah. Any other questions?" She asked as she smiled. We asked her question after question, until someone walked into the room stopping dead in her tracks as she saw us. She looked at me and her cheeks flushed as she started backing up.

"Wait, Jelli! Come say hi to the boys." Mason called to Janell who had stopped backing up and looked at Mason.

"You didn't say anything about me, right?"

"Nope just your name, I told them if they wanted questions about you they would have to ask you." Mason said reassuringly as Janell sighed and walked over to Mason to sit next to her. You could tell just by how they were around each other that they were pretty close. So I asked the question that had been on my mind for awhile.

"How long have you two been friends?" I asked and all the boys stopped their chattering with each other, and looked at the girls, so they would know the answer to my question.

"Mmm, I think it's been ten years." Janell said as she turned questioningly towards Mason to confirm the answer. Mason nodded as they smiled at each other then back to us. I heard Mason giggle.

"Shut your mouths they'll catch flies." She teased as Janell laughed and I swear it was contagious because I started laughing, and the boys joined along. After we calmed down Michael said something about pizza, which in turn made us all realize how hungry we were. I looked at Liam and Louis who were ordering food for us and back to Janell who was in a conversation with Luke and Niall, and I could honestly say I wanted this girl to stay in my life.


Woo double update! Sorry for not updating in a few months and there definitely isn't any excuses, I'm feel terrible about it and I will update my other stories soon. Last chapter was a filler! ALSO THERE WILL BE TWO LOVE TRIANGLES!!! As you can probably already tell who is in Janell's triangle but who will be in Mason 's?! I will try to make a new chapter next week before I actually leave for London!

Question- Where are you at in the world, whoever is reading this? I just wanna see where my story is being reached:)

boo-bye babezzz


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