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Mason's POV

I had been talking to Calum since he had wanted to sit next to me. I could feel someone's eyes on the back of my head but I wasn't that bothered since I couldn't stop laughing when Calum would try to say something funny. But really it was his way of being cheeky.

"So Mason, you guys just graduated high school?" Niall had called over to me, as I turned my head to him and smiled.

"Yeah I didn't think I would make it but I did and I'm happy." I said still beaming his way and he returned it. He was going to ask me another question but there was a sharp rapping on the door.

"Fooooooood!" I screamed along with Michael as we raced to the door hearing snickers behind us. We fought to who could get the door open first. I succeeded and saw the delivery boy who looked about my age. I turned on the charm because he was hot. What?! don't judge me I don't even know if any boys like me. But obviously Michael had other plans and ripping the pizza from the poor guys hands and throwing money at him. I giggled and said sorry as he looked at me with a lazy smile on his face. He was a few inches taller than me with dark brown hair swept out of his face, and beautiful hazel eyes.

"No problem gorgeous. As long as you can make up for it?" He said in his deep British accent. I leaned on the door frame and being the tease that I am, I put on a sweet smile.

"Like what?" I giggled and I saw his name was on his shirt in bold letters 'ALEX'. I put my hand on his arm and his mouth pulled into a smirk at my touch.

"How bout dinner tomorrow and your number?" He asked slyly moving closer to my body, I could see his perfect white teeth and he smelled of wonderful musky cologne and pizza. I let the smell settle as I made eye contact until I felt arms grasp my waist and put me over their shoulder. I saw black skinny jeans and I knew exactly who it was. Damn this boy has a nice ass! Gah not the time Mas!!

"Sorry mate but she can't. Have a nice night." The person said while shutting the door on the cute guy. I started pounding my fists on Harry's back but he didn't even flinch carrying me back to the living room where the others were eating.

"Harry put me down or you'll regret it!" I yelled at his back knowing full well if he didn't put me down I would just have to myself.

"Nope the view is nice." He says in a flirty tone. I scoff and hit him in the back extra hard, but still not even a flinch.

"Harry, I would listen to her." I hear Janell say while laughing, ready for my strike. I had taken kick-boxing for a full year back in my junior year and absolutely loved it. I had stopped moving my body knowing exactly where my projectile was. I think he must have noticed my body go limp but he didn't lead on to it very well, thinking I was giving up.

"And why should I-" I decided it would be better when he was distracted. I lifted my leg, not hard enough but just enough pressure where he collapsed to his knees, letting me go in the process. I backed away to see the damage and he groaned holding his groin in fetal position. Janell started laughing so hard she had tears rolling down her face as the others all looked at me in shock.

"I told you *laugh* to listen *laugh* to her, *laugh*!" I smirked at Jelli who just kept laughing and you could tell Louis and Niall were trying to hold it in by their red faces. Finally they bust out laughing with tears coming out. The other boys just stared at me in shock as I put my hands on my hips.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." I said sticking my tongue out.

"That *wheeze* was the *wheeze* craic!" Niall laughed out as his, Louis' and Jelli's laughs were finally dying down. I felt a warm hand grab my ankle. I looked down to Harry, smirking.

"You really think that's a good idea?" I giggled out as his hand retracted like he had been bitten.

"Why'd you do that?" Liam asked looking at me curiously.

"He wouldn't let me go so I acted. I didn't hit him too hard." I smiled at him. I heard a groan from below me. I looked down at Harry, as he spoke.

"Too hard?! That hurt like hell!" He groaned. "Where'd you learn to do that?!" He sat up but slowly rocking back and forth which made me chuckle lowly, but he had heard and his emerald eyes were blazing with anger and something else but I didn't know what it was.

"I learned it when I went into kick-boxing, my teacher hated yet loved me." I smiled as all their mouths dropped except for Liam and Jelli.

"Now I see," Liam chuckled, "Self defense." Then all of a sudden all of the 5sos boys started screaming.

"Don't hurt me!"

"I'm too young to die, I need more pizza!!"

"Feed her pizza before she hurts us!"

"Wow dream girl."

Okay I think I might have imagined that one until Harry started wrestling with Calum. Michael, Ashton, and Louis all went to break it up. When things had finally settled down and we were all sitting in a circle, deciding what to do until an idea popped into my head.

"Guys! Let's play truth or dare!"


Hiya! Updating because I finished my homework and waiting for time to pass so I can go to work. Who's going to the WWA Tour?!

Sorry for the shortness by the way but I whipped this up quick! Anyway I'm writing another chapter because I'm bored so if you have any dares put them in the comment section please?:) Love you!


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