Jealousy and Love

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Heyy! Sorry I didn't update I had the 1D concert and work, oh and I WAS ARMS REACH FROM HARRY WHEN HE WAS LEAVING THE HOTEL!!! Lets say after he left I had a break down at the mall. Plus because he looked at me with those gorgeous eyes of his:) 07/25/13 will be forever the best day of my life. Anyway I hope all directioners get to see them at least once in their life! So sorry for not updating but I will try to be not so lazy.

Kylee .xx


Janell's POV

After the conversation with James on the phone, he wanted to meet up cause whatever he had wanted to ask me, he couldn't say over the phone. So I agreed and left a note for Mas knowing she would come pester me sooner or later. Walking downstairs hearing Mas in the kitchen humming to herself, I hurried to the front door grabbing my keys and opening the door as softly as I could and shutting it just as softly. Opening our old garage, I hopped into my car and driving to the nearest Baskin Robins.

(A/N for those who don't know, Baskin Robins is an ice cream shop.)

I saw it, and pulled in seeing a little bit of a line but headed straight to James' car. He was leaning against the hood, with his back towards me watching the line slowly move. I walked up to him and sat down on the hood.

"Can we get some ice cream please!?" I pleaded while looking at him with my puppy dog face. He looked startled then seeing my face laughed.

"Yeah c'mon before the line gets longer." He says while hopping off the hood offering his hand to me. I take it slowly feeling little tingles as he intertwined them together. We walked together to the door waiting for our turn to come.

"So what was it you wanted to ask me?" I questioned him while squeezing his hand. He smiled and looked down at me.

"I will ask when we are alone in my car enjoying ice cream together." He said sweetly which made my heart flutter. I groaned, "Why can't you just tell me??" I asked tugging on his hand with both of mine.

"Because it wouldn't be cute if I just flat out asked, now would it?" He stated and I smirked knowing I'd win with what I said next.

"But you were gonna ask me at the party. No cuteness in that huh?" He looked at me disbelievingly. Then pulled a hard face trying to make it seem he was mad but there was amusement in his eyes. We had a stare down, seeing who would last longer. "Fine Jell you win!" He exclaims as I grin for joy. "What I was going to ask you at the party was, wou-"

"Hello how may I help you?" The lady said behind the freezer of the cool goodies in monotone. I sent her a glare, then smiled at her and said "Yeah can I get two flavors in a waffle cone?"

"Sure, what flavors?"

"Chocolate on one side and cookies 'n cream on the other."

I felt James go behind me and wrap his arms around my waist and his chin on my shoulder. I smiled and put my arms above his. I so wanted to kiss him. My guy bestie. Whaaa? Did I really just think that?

"And for you sir?"

"Can I get the same thing she got?" He asked, his voice in a sweet tone when he said she. I looked at him and there was a big smile on his face.

"Sure." She handed the cones to us and we walked to the register where there was a girl about our age, giving googly eyes to James. I cuddled further into his chest and smirked at her when she glared at me.

"Is that all for you, handsome? Also it looks like you could do better." She said eyeballing me.

"Nope that'll be all for US. Thanks though." I spoke up emphasizing us, while James gave her his credit card, holding me closer.

"Mm James, that's a hot name." She said swiping his card.

"Um.. Thanks but I have a girlfriend." He said while pecking me on the cheek. I was shocked but I knew he was only trying to get her to stop flirting with him, which made my heart sink. She looked disgusted by what he had just told her.

"Well you could do soooo much better than that slut." She stated with a wave of her hand, smirking at me. I looked her in the eye.

"Oh that's it!" I didn't know where this was coming from but I knew it had to be either my jealousy from having my best friend looked at like that by other eyes or by her calling me that. I almost was able to throw a punch but James held me back. He started whispering reassurances in my ear which made me relax but I still had a death glare on the girl.

She gave him his card and receipt with a wink. James took it and didn't even give the receipt a second look throwing it away on our way out. I smiled knowing he did that with every receipt but with hers I assumed it probably had her number on it. Looking back at her she looked at the trash then sent a glare towards me. I winked at her while licking my ice cream.

We walked across the gravel to his car and sat on his hood. I looked up at him through my lashes and he gave me a cheeky grin.

"So I was gonna ask you but we were rudely interrupted and bombarded with googly eyes," I giggled at this and he took my free hand with his, "Janell, would you please be my girlfriend?"

I was in shock, whaaaa? Was this really happening? He couldn't like me. I mean we've been best friends since we were 6 and it just seems completely weird territory to me. I fall back into reality when I hear my name being called. I looked at James and his expression was full of worry.

"I'm sorry was it to soon? I should have waited until you came back from your road trip-" I started laughing and he looked at me like I was insane.

"Why are you laughing?! This is serious!" He said looking frustrated. While still giggling I touched his face and kissed him. I pulled back to see him with his eyes closed but a giant grin on his face.

"I would love to be your girlfriend." I said with a smile. He smiled back and kissed me this time. I could totally get used to this. The ice cream long forgotten as he pulled me closer to him while my hands were tracing his jawline. We pulled away catching our breath. He looked at me with a playful glint in his eye. "You know your jealousy back there was extremely hot." He laughed while I blushed. After that we had settled to laying on his hood with my head on his chest and his hand in my hair. In the distance I heard 'Blurred Lines' playing then realizing it was my phone, I popped up looking through my pockets.

"What's wrong?" James asked. I kept looking for it but answered him.

"Mason is calling me and I don't know where my phone is." I got up and looked in his car. Bingo! I grabbed it and called Mas back. Finally it went to voicemail but before I hung up I heard my name.

"Janell, if you hear this you have 10 minutes to get back to the house before I leave without you! Love you bye!"

I looked at the time and started freaking out! I was supposed to go back awhile ago! I grabbed my purse, turning around only to run into a wall of muscle.

"Where you going? Did I do something wrong?" He asked worriedly.

"No, I was only supposed to figure out what you had wanted to ask then leave because our flight leaves in an hour." A look of understanding flashed on his face and wrapped me in a hug which I gladly returned.

"Please be safe! We need to Skype, call, etc. just get in touch with me when you get there alright?"

"I promise! Now I really need to go or I'll have Mason's wrath on my hands!" I teased and he let me go after a goodbye kiss. I drove home just in time to see Mas packing the last of the suitcases in her car. We drove to the airport talking about our plans, asking if she had everything, being giddy with excitement, and checking if she had everything again. As soon as we got through all we needed and were in our seats I told her everything about James and I, which she had a heart attack when she couldn't figure out our ship name. I knew this trip was gonna be so much fun.


Wow really long chapter... Sorry not sorry! I also need a ship name for those two haha because if you just tried to mix them up it'd still be one of their names! Vote, comment, both? Anyway love you!

Kylee .xx

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