⍒96 Beretta⍒

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Tove woke up to someone shaking her arm and tugging at her shirt. At first, Tove didn't want to open her eyes. A large headache stretched across both sides of Toves head and traveled down her neck. But the persistent tugging and yelling made her annoyed. Tove opens her eyes and begins to blink rapidly, not expecting so much dust to be in front of her.

Amelia's white heels stood right in front of Toves vision. Tove moved her head to look up and sees a relieved expression on Amelia's face. "Thank God you're alive!" She exasperates while helping Tove stand up.

"Why wouldn't I be alive?" Tove asks the woman holding her up. Amelia gives her a surprised look before looking down at the bottom half of Toves body. Glass shards stuck out from Toves legs and stomach. She didn't even notice them or feel pain. Is this normal? Tove thinks to herself. But then, the pain suddenly rushes into her body as if laying down cut off all communications between her nerves and her brain. "Ouch!" Tove screams out in pain when the feeling of something sharp poking at her flesh became feel-able. It didn't hurt too bad, but it hurt enough to make it hard for Tove to walk.

Once Tove begins to walk with Amelia's support, she starts to remember what had happen. A bomb? A bomb attack? Her mind begins to form and piece together the events, making it easier to formulate thoughts and actions. How did this happen? Where is Natasha? Where is the king? Once Tove could create thoughts, she couldn't stop.

The two women reach the stairs and Tove has to sit in order to think things through and calm herself down. This gives Amelia a much needed breather.

After some radical thinking and processing, Tove begins to pick out the shards of glass embedded in her skin. "What the hell are you doing?!" Amelia asks, disgust and shock lacing her voice.

"I need to get them out." Tove complains while ripping out a shard of glass from her leg.

In the background, Tove can here Amelia gagging and walking around the corner to get away from the sight of blood.

Pulling out the shards hurt like a bitch, but Tove needed to heal fast in order to find Natasha. And her wounds wouldn't heal if she had glass shards still in them.

After most of the bloodied glass has been pulled out of Toves body, the cuts and gashes began to heal. Sliced skin seals up where their use to be blood and torn tissue. Scars only get left behind. The pain eventually dissipates and Tove can now stand up on her own with ease.

Tove begins to turn around to retrieve her puking colleague, but she stops when she takes in the the sight of the once clean and precise conference room. Chairs were either ripped apart or flipped over on their side. Desks and and tables were splintered and also tossed on their side. Chunks of concrete stuck out of the ground and parts of the floor were scattered all over the existing floor. To Toves luck, no bodies could be seen from where she stood. Therefore making it easier to control the knot forming in her stomach.

"Amelia! Let's go!" Tove yells for her colleague. Amelia rounds the corner and see Tove standing on her own and bloody glass sitting in a pile beside Toves feet.

"How-What?" Amelia asks with confusion and shock on an all time high in her tone.

"I'll explain later, now let's go." Tove grabs Amelia's arm and drags her down the steps.

Once the two women get outside they immediately get attacked by emergency responders and firefighters. All of them spoke a  thick language that sounded like German. Tove shook her hands, indicating that she was fine and untouched, which was a lie but it was hard to tell by how well she had already healed.

Amelia, on the other hand, was taken to an ambulance to get cleaned up and to get stitches on her cheek.

With Amelia off her back, Tove goes to search for Natasha. Almost immediately Tove finds her sitting on a bench with prince T'Challa. At first, Tove starts to run toward Natasha, but she stops when she realizes how heated her and the prince's discussion was.

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