Chapter Two- Part of the Family

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Scorpius woke with a start precisely one minute before his early alarm would start blaring and wake the rest of his dormitory. He reached over and turned it off, then got out of bed with a sigh. It was Saturday, but you never knew what time someone would wake up. However, he figured hardly any Gryffindors would be awake at six on a Saturday morning. Scorpius stumbled downstairs, not bothering to change out of his pyjamas and still rubbing sleep out of his eyes. He practically fell into an armchair in the common room, glad to find it was empty. He had an exhausting task at hand: setting his quidditch team, and wouldn't want anyone finding out too early. The tired quidditch captain extracted a piece of parchment from under a stack of spellbooks sitting on the table near his chair, and looked around the room for a quill, not wanting to have to go back up the six flights of stairs to his dormitory. He finally spotted one, tucked away between the branches of a small potted plant that was, once again, knocked off its windowsill. Scorpius got up, and once he had retrieved the quill, settled back into the armchair. He made a list on the parchment;


Me, Weasley, Peakes


Weasley, Weasley, Weasley, Jordan, Smith


Potter, Bell


Weasley, Wood

Scorpius sighed, and sank lower in his chair. Crossing off Bell and Peakes immediately, he was left with the hardest decisions. The Weasley with dark skin was an obvious choice. The only thing was, the other Chaser candidates had all flown equally as well as the each other. Jordan and Smith had flown well, but he had a feeling that having 3 Weasleys as chasers would be a good thing, since they would likely work well together. With more than 3 quarters of his team chosen, there was one teammate left. No matter how much Scorpius compared Rose, er, Weasley, and Wood, he couldn't come to a decision. He spent half an hour on his keeper. He never would remember exactly what it was that led him to choose Rose, but he could remember hearing her stick up for him in the Great Hall, and giving him a smile when they passed in the hallways. A smile crept up his lips, and he slowly crossed off the last name. His team was chosen.


Scorpius stayed in the common room long after the trial results were posted, waiting for the first new member of his team to come down. He sat, slumped in a chair, trying to keep his eyes open, for a good half hour. Right when he decided that nobody was going to be coming any time soon, he heard a shriek from the area of the girls dormitory. Puzzled, he looked up, and when no one came down, Scorpius realised someone could be hurt, sprinted over to the girls' door, and wrenched it open. However, the second he set foot on the first step, the entire staircase turned into a slide, and Scorpius found himself running on air, before he fell, flat on his back, and got the wind knocked out of him. He scrambled to stand up, and none too soon; three girls came tumbling down the slide, and landed at his feet. Two of them had fiery red hair, the other had dark skin with matching hair, and all of them were in pyjamas. It took Scorpius a moment to register that there must be something preventing boys from going into the girls' dormitory, and another few seconds to realise that the three girls at his feet were all Weasleys. Rose started mumbling before she looked up, saying "Now where's the git that-" before she realised that it was her quidditch captain, and stumbled to her feet.
The girls called Roxanne and- Scorpius couldn't quite remember her name- Do-something (he would have to learn that, she was on the team) were already standing, frowning at him.
"Um, I heard someone scream...?" he asked, giving them a worried look.
"See, I told you she'd wake the whole house, Roxie!" The other red headed girl said.
"Quick question, WHY exactly were you screaming?" Scorpius asked.
"Oh, Roxie and Dominique decided it'd be a lovely idea to jump on me to wake me up." Rose said.
Scorpius nodded, but when he went to reply to her, he found himself unable to speak.
"Th-that um, sense-" But it didn't matter, because the other girls had seen the trial results on the notice board and had shrieked, cutting him off.
"ROSE!" Roxanne squealed.
The three Weasleys gathered around the notice board, and after about three seconds, they all turned around, grinning ear to ear, then turned around and bounded up to the boy's dormitories. Scorpius still stood there, with a dazed look on his face. He was staring after Rose, with a grin on his face. He barely had time to regain his composure, however, because the girls came sprinting downstairs, laughing, only minute later, and returned to their dormitory. A mere three minutes after, though, Weasley, Weasley, and Weasley came running back down, dressed this time, and went back to the other dormitories to get their cousins/siblings down to come see the list. Scorpius grinned to himself, knowing he made the right choice, after seeing how close they were as a family, and as a team. He only hoped they would be able to temporarily accept him as a part of that team.
But Scorpius didn't have to wait that long to have his hopes fulfilled, because when the whole team was crowded around the notice board, looking at the decisions he had made, James yelled, "We're missing one person! Where's the captain?" and everyone turned around to look at him.
"Don't just bloody stand there, mate! Come join the party!" Louis said, and the captain walked slowly over to the family.
The second he was within arm's reach, Rose pulled him into a hug.
"If you're part of the team, you're as good as part of the family." she said, though everyone else sniggered.
James looked around at his cousins, and they all nodded at him. He held up three fingers, slowly counting down.
Scorpius was confused, and was about to ask what they were doing, when they all yelled "AYE AYE CAPTAIN!"
They all burst into laughter, including the Malfoy, and it occurred to him that, even though they may all act like four-year-olds, Red had been serious. As he laughed so hard his sides hurt, Scorpius realized that he really was part of the family.

A/N- Thanks for reading! Hopefully I'll have the next part up soon!

A/N- Thanks for reading! Hopefully I'll have the next part up soon!

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