Chapter Seven- You're Worth It

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[ ROSE ]

"C'mon, Rose; we can go study in the library today." Scorpius said, hooking his arm through Rose's and heading towards the library.

Rose stopped in her tracks, confused, and Scorpius stumbled, turning 'round to look at her.

"Why the library? We always study in the common room." she asked, unsure of the reason for their sudden change in study location.

"Why not? Besides, I thought we could use a bit of quiet; the common room's always loud this time of day." Scorpius released Rose's arm and gave her a hopeful look.

Rose sighed, blowing hair out of her face. "I suppose doing homework in the library once in a while won't kill me..."

Scorpius grinned, and they continued to the library in amicable silence. The library was empty, save a few first years, and they deposited their belongings at the table the Potter-Weasley family had basically claimed. It had everyone's names on it, starting with Bill's, then the rest of his siblings' (even Percy's) and Hermione and Harry's. As their children began to graduate, the younger generation added their names to the table, and Rose could make out Teddy's and Fred's with ease. Victoire's was scrawled in tiny print on a corner of the table, as Rose was sure hers would be when her seventh year came to a close.

Scorpius heaved their books up onto the table, and Rose's attention was brought back to the task at hand: homework. They had quite a bit of it, and set to work immediately, writing in the companionable quiet, occasionally comparing answers or helping each other out. They made quite the team, getting their work done quicker and more efficiently than others. It felt natural, and Rose couldn't really remember doing homework without Scorpius by her side.

She looked over at him- Scorpius was working intently on his potions essay, and didn't seem to notice.

'I'm really glad I have someone like Scorpius. He's nice, funny, hardworking, and he's really attractive.' Rose studied his bright blue eyes and defined jawline for a few more moments before realising what she'd thought. Not pre- well, he's  definitely attractive, but it doesn't mean anything.

Rose began to argue with herself in her head, then realised Scorpius had noticed her and was watching with an amused look on his face.


"You looked funny. You kept clenching your fists and tilting your head."

Rose gave a sheepish grin and tucked her hair back. "Just- just working on Arithmancy."

He returned the smile, then went back to his essay.

And now you're getting all tongue tied around him. Rose scolded herself. I can't possibly like him romantically... can I?

With a sigh and a slight shake of her head, Rose turned her attention to her homework.

About half an hour later, they began to pack things up. Rose was acutely  aware of Scorpius' presence beside her, though nothing had physically changed since the day before.

"We should study in here more often." She whispered, slinging her bookbag onto her shoulder. "The atmosphere's so much better."

"If you say so." Scorpius smiled, taking her hand.

Rose fought the blush all the way back to the common room.


"Hello, Rose." Alice smiled.

Rose slid onto the bench at the Hufflepuff table. "Come outside with me?"

"Of course."

Rose grabbed an apple, and the two went down and sat by the lake.

"What is it, then?" Alice asked, stretching out on her back.

"Well... "

"Out with it!"

"Alright!" Rose laughed. "I think I'm starting to like Scorpius."

Alice sat straight up. "Really?"


"That's great!"

"It- what?"

"I think it's great that you've finally developed romantic feelings, no matter who they're for."

"You mean it?'

"Of course. Just don't go do anything big- these things take time."

"Thanks for all your help."

"You're worth it."


As Rose lay in bed that night, she couldn't help but think about Scorpius.

"He probably doesn't feel the same way." She muttered to herself. "Might as well forget about it."

Even as she said it, Rose knew she wouldn't be able to. She was hopelessly carving a Malfoy-sized hole into her heart, but as it turned out, she didn't really mind.

A/N- It's coming together, albeit not in the way I originally wanted. I'm satisfied with it, though. Thoughts?


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