Chapter Ten- Fifty Feet in the Air

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"I told you we'd win!" Teddy exclaimed, and Victoire gave him an annoyed look.

Teddy's team (which had consisted of him, Scorpius, Rose, Albus, Alice, Hugo, and James), had slaughtered Victoire's (which had been her, Dominique, Fred, Louis, Colin, and the Scamander twins). To be fair, the teams could've been split up better in terms of skill, but the game had been played fair and square- Amelia had refereed.

"You played really well." Rose took Scorpius' hand as they walked back up to the castle.

"Thanks." Scorpius said with a yawn. "So did you."

It was half one in the morning, and they were all exhausted. James was giving Amelia a piggyback ride, Hugo, Louis, Lorcan, and Lysander were half asleep, and Alice and Albus were talking quietly to each other. Dominique and Colin seemed to be the only ones fully awake, and were discussing the game.

"-like that, we've really got a chance at the House Cup." Scorpius was saying something, but Rose had zoned out, about to fall asleep. "Rose? Have you been listening? Did you hear anything I said?"

She shook herself awake. "Yeah, sorry, just really tired."

"I would give you a piggyback ride, but I'm not allowed in the girls' dormitories and I doubt Dominique could carry you."

"No, no, it's fine. We're almost there, anyway."

Rose leant into him as they walked up the stairs to Gryffindor tower, then bid him goodnight and went up to bed. Scorpius watched her go, amazed. He was amazed how someone would be so beautiful at half one in the morning, with no sleep, pyjamas on, and hair lazily tied up. He was amazed at how someone could be so oblivious to the fact that they were so astonishingly beautiful. He was amazed that such a beautiful person could exist. And Scorpius Malfoy was amazed that he had fallen so quickly and so hard for Rose Weasley.


After nearly two weeks of Scorpius and Rose awkwardly avoiding the inevitable, the Christmas holidays were over, and it came time to say goodbye to their family members. They bid farewell to Fred and his datefriend Riley (who made an extra adorable couple), to Teddy and Victoire (a just as adorable couple), and all of the parents and younger siblings. The rest of the school would be getting back over the next day or so, but they pretty much had the castle to themselves for the time being.

"So, what'd you think?" Rose asked on their way down to the Slytherin dormitory. They were going to meet Skye (Molly's girlfriend), who Scorpius hadn't met yet, so that he'd have met the whole family. Technically Skye and Riley weren't officially part of the family, but they were treated like family- just like Scorpius.

"Your family's great. Mine isn't super close, but I wish they were. You're so much fun, and you all get along. It'd make anyone feel welcome."

"I'm glad you think so."

Molly and Skye were waiting outside the dormitory, looking like the powerful but sweet couple they were.

"Alright, lovebirds. This is Skye. She's mine, and I'm hers." Molly announced, and neither Scorpius nor Rose protested the word 'lovebirds'..

"It's nice to meet you." Skye flashed them a smile.

Together, the four of them walked into the Slytherin common room.

"So, why'd you come see us instead of hanging out with the rest of the Gryffindor lot?"

"They're all being super lovey-dovey, so it was awkward. Would've gone to hang out with Albus, but he and Alice finally got over themselves and I didn't want to interrupt their conversation. Couldn't find my brother or Lucy." Rose explained, and Molly nodded.

"That means there's only one group who hasn't gotten over themselves."

Rose and Scorpius blushed.

"Erm, I think we've got to go. Emergency Quidditch practise." Scorpius mumbled.

Rose nodded vigorously, then grabbed Scorpius' hand and ran out to the Quidditch pitch.

"Emergency Quidditch practise?" She asked, out of breath.

"One-on-one Quidditch practise?" Scorpius tried to backtrack, but it was hopeless.

"I say we at least fly around a bit."

They grabbed their brooms from the broom closet, and before long, they were laughing. Time seemed to pass faster when they were together, they were happier, everything was great. Eventually, Hugo turned up.

"Oh my god!" He called up to them. "Just kiss already!"

Both Scorpius and Rose turned bright red.

"May I?" Scorpius whispered.

"O-of course, you idiot."

"Fifty feet in the air?"

And then Rose kissed him, and it was amazing.

A/N- After way too long, this story is finally over! While I had to make it a lot shorter than I had originally planned, I'm pleased with what we got. Writing the last four or five chapter was hard, because my writing style has changed a lot from when I started, and I had to try to write in that style. I hope you guys liked what I managed, and thank you all so, so much!

 I hope you guys liked what I managed, and thank you all so, so much!

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