Chapter Eight- Everything About Her

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As Christmas season drew closer, the weather worsened- it snowed several times before their holiday, so Scorpius was forced to cancel Quidditch practise several times. The day before they would leave, though, the weather cleared up, so the team went out onto the pitch for one last practise.

"Heads up, Roxanne!" Scorpius called. "You almost got hit by that bludger."

"Sorry, Malfoy." Roxanne said sheepishly.

They flew around the pitch for a while, but it was clear everyone's minds were elsewhere. After Dominique dropped the ball for the third time, Scorpius called them all down.

"Alright, practise is over. None of us can focus, so we might as well forget about it."

The Weasley-Potters nodded in agreement, and they all traipsed back up to the castle.

"You spending Christmas with your parents?" Rose asked.

She and Scorpius followed behind the rest of the group, everyone talking excitedly about the holiday.

"I wish. Dad had an emergency at St. Mungo's, and Mum's in Hungary with her family."

Scorpius looked disappointed, but Rose's face brightened.

"So you're staying here?"


"So are we!"


"Yep." Rose grinned. "Our parents are coming here because it's gotten to the point that we can't all fit into the Burrow. The staff all okayed it because so few people stay."

"You'll be occupied by them all holiday, then?"

"Well, yeah, I suppose. That doesn't mean you can't join us, though."

"I don't think that'd go over too well with your parents."

"It's been ages since they've even seen you, how could they know what you're like? Besides, I have Roxie, Dom, and the rest of the team to defend my position."

"It can't be worse than spending Christmas alone..."

Rose smiled, and Scorpius took her hand.

"I'm glad I'll get to spend Christmas in such great company." He laughed, and she laughed along with him.

Scorpius knew he was probably pushing his luck by holding Rose's hand, but he couldn't help it. She looked beautiful when she was happy, and she was certainly that. She was going on and on about who would be there, eyes bright.

"Let's see, I think the Longbottoms are coming down- oh, sweet Callie's going to be here. And I think Fred's bringing his datefriend; I've met them once before, they're very nice. Oh, and Teddy and Victoire are coming! It's been ages since I've seen them! And all my aunts and uncles will be here, and- oh, Dean and Seamus are coming and they're bringing Leah! She's incredibly smart, Ravenclaw without a doubt. Oh, that reminds me- Luna and Rolf are coming as well. And Molly's girlfriend is staying so she can meet Percy and Audrey, and James and Amelia are going to get all lovey-dovey again-"

Rose started talking about something else halfway through every sentence, which Scorpius found endearing but adorable (how she wasn't Ravenclaw was beyond him). Really, he found everything about her adorable. She loved Quidditch, she defended anyone being bullied without a second thought, eyes blazing. She was beautiful in the unconventional way, and Scorpius knew he was falling hard and falling fast.


"Calm down, Rose." Scorpius laughed.

Rose was nearly bouncing up and down with excitement, and Scorpius had never seen someone as filled with love as her. There were so many things and people she really loved, and it was pretty much mind-blowing,

"Aren't you and Teddy technically related?" Rose asked, stilling for a moment.

"Er, yeah. I think he's my second cousin or first cousin once removed; something like that."

"That's so cool..."

The huge doors swung open then, and the entry was flooded with people and noise. Hugs were being given, "I missed you"s exchanged, and somehow Scorpius never lost Rose. She was pulling him behind her, and he had no idea where she was going.

"Mum! Dad!" Rose dropped Scorpius' hand and went to embrace her parents. "Mum, Dad, this is Scorpius. His parents are gone for the holidays and I don't want him to spend it alone. It is alright if he-"

"He's the Malfoy?" Ron interrupted.

"Well, yeah, but..."

"Glad to know Draco's a better father than Lucius was."

Rose looked surprised. "Really?"

"I don't like it much but I can't stop you being friends. And I'm not going to let someone be alone during the holidays, no matter how much i dislike their family.

Scorpius couldn't help but grin as Rose threw her arms around her father again, hugging him tightly.

'Thank you.'

A/N- Are they not the sweetest thing ever?

A/N- Are they not the sweetest thing ever?

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