Chapter Four- Smile

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Dominique shoved her wand in her bookbag, and flung the bag over her shoulder. Rushing out of the Charms classroom, and into the corridor, her eyes scanned the crowd of students for a tall, dark haired, Slytherin-tie-wearing someone. As she was about to be forced to turn, the figure of Colin Finnigan-Thomas caught her eye, and she grinned. Dominique sprinted to catch up with him, and took his hand in hers.

"Dom!" Colin exclaimed, his face lighting up. "How'd trials go?"

Dominique grinned; she'd known he would ask as soon as he saw her. "I made the team!" She exclaimed, unable to keep in her ecstasy any longer. "Plus, I'm related to almost the entire team, Louis made it and so did all of my Gryffindor cousins."

Colin smiled, his eyes shining, and his arms wrapped around her waist. "Well, in that case, I'll be sure to go easy on you when we play Gryffindor."

"I love you, you know that?" Dominique asked, looking up at him.

"Course I do." Colin replied, and leaned down to kiss her, barely brushing his lips against hers before pulling away.

Dominique protested, rising on tiptoe to try and continue their kiss, but Colin turned away.

"Not all of us have a free period next, you know." He said, but gave in, giving her another soft kiss. "I really do have class to go to now." Colin sighed.

With that, he gave her hand a squeeze, turned, and walked down the corridor towards his next class. Dominique sighed as she watched him go, and once Colin was out of sight, she headed back to the Gryffindor common room. When she got there, she noticed Rose and Scorpius sitting very close to each other on a couch, comparing notes. If it had been anyone else, she probably would have tried to scare them or gone and sat right in between them, but now, none of that was even in her mind. Over the weekend, Dominique had noticed a friendship grow between the two; they'd done all of their studying and revising together, and they'd been the last two in the common room on Saturday night, working on Quidditch strategies. They already had their inside jokes, and had more free time, since their brilliant minds put together got things done in half the time. They spent it together, of course. Anyone who didn't know them would've thought they'd been that close since they were toddlers. She knew that, although the friendship had blossomed very quickly, it would only grow stronger. Dominique only had three friends whom she was that close to: Colin, Molly and James. Her friendship with James was like that of a brother, they'd had their fallings-out, but no matter what, they'd always end up laughing at something stupid together, and the bond they shared often ended up stronger. Molly was her best friend, and always had been. They joked about Dominique's hatstall (she'd almost been in Slytherin), shared all of their secrets, and exclaimed over her boyfriend. They were always there to comfort or make each other laugh, and they always could. Colin was the only person Dominique had ever loved romantically. She'd been in love with him since second year, and when he asked her to Hogsmeade in fifth year, she'd been overjoyed. They'd had their disagreements, but never let it come between them. He was everything she'd ever hoped for, and was the only one she ever would. Rose and Scorpius had already created a bond with the strength of her and James', the trust of her and Molly's, and the closeness of her and Colin's. She looked over at the pair, Scorpius' arm had made its way around Rose's shoulders, and they were laughing. Dominique's instinct was to joke that they'd make a wonderful couple, or say something like that, but for the first time in her life, all she could do was smile.

A/N- So sorry the chapter's so short! I started it a while ago, and I needed a transition to the next chapter... Anyway, thanks for the reads, and I love you all :)

 Anyway, thanks for the reads, and I love you all :)

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