Chapter Three- THE Lysander Scamander

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Roxanne felt that today was probably going to be the best Saturday ever. Not only had she made the quidditch team (again), but apparently Rose had finally got the rest of the family convinced that the Malfoy wasn't so bad. All of the Gryffindor Weasley-Potters had gathered around the Malfoy, and seemed to be laughing at something he had said. They clearly hadn't noticed Roxanne come back downstairs after changing into her robes (so what if it took her three minutes longer?). She grinned, having instantly decided that jump-scaring her cousins could make the day even better. Pointing her wand towards herself and muttering a Bedazzling Hex under her breath, Roxanne snuck closer and closer to her target: James.

After tiptoeing her way to within 3 inches of him, she put her hands on his shoulders, and whispered "Don't scream" in his ear.

As Roxanne had predicted, James yelped and jumped about a metre in the air. The rest of the cousins (and Scorpius) scattered, wide eyed, as Roxanne burst into laughter. She quickly performed the counter jinx, revealing herself to the group, and a look of understanding came over their faces.

"You, Roxie, are an EVIL human being." Louis said, crossing his arms with a look of mock disapproval.

Dom started to add something to Louis' comment, but Rose interrupted, saying what was on Roxanne's mind: "I'm HUNGRY. Let's go EAT!".

With that, she grabbed Hugo's hand and pulled him in the direction of the Great Hall, as Louis followed after.

"Oi. They're mad, they are." Roxanne said, even though she was halfway across the common room with Scorpius, Dom, and James on her heels; they were practically sprinting to catch up with Rose.

However, not long after she had finally caught sight of Rose's bushy, dark red mane of hair, did a different redhead barrel over her, nearly knocking her over.

"Lily!" She shrieked. "What'd you bloody do that for?"

Lily seemed unable to answer her question, as all that came out of her mouth was a high pitched squealing noise. In fact, she seemed to be unable to speak in general.

"Hello? Lils? You in there?" Roxanne asked, getting frustrated.

Lily took several deep breaths before finally getting out: "LorcanaskedmeoutandIsaidyesImsohappyisntitgreat?"

"You know I don't interpret squeal. Say it slower." Roxanne glared at her cousin, though inside she wasn't so much mad as curious.

Her best friend only got like this when something really big and exciting happened, and she wanted to know what it was.

"Ugh, FINE." Lily pouted. "Lorcan asked me out!"

Roxanne immediately broke into a smile. Lily had had a crush on Lorcan since the age of three, when he had kissed her on the cheek the first time they met. It had grown stronger over the years, but had also gotten more and more obvious. The fact that Lorcan had asked her on a date made it so much easier on Lily, and on Roxanne, the only person who knew about her little crush. She herself, however, was head over heels for Lorcan's twin brother, Lysander. Lysander was the younger of the twins, though only by 7 minutes. Normally, the older you are the more mature you are. With the Scamander twins, that was DEFINITELY not true. Lorcan was loud, athletic, and outgoing, whereas Lysander was quieter (though still not that quiet) and wasn't the sports guy his brother was. Lily and Lorcan had very similar personalities, and while Roxanne and Lysander weren't exactly opposites, Roxanne was more like Lorcan than Lysander (Lily maintains that this is why she likes Lysander; she doesn't want to have a best friend and boyfriend that are basically the same person). Roxanne would've loved to have been asked out too, but honestly, Lily and Lorcan were so adorable that, at the moment, she didn't care. They had finally made it to the Great Hall, where Lorcan stood waiting with his twin in between the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables. Lily left Roxanne to jog behind her as she expertly navigated through people and flung herself into her waiting boyfriend's arms. Roxanne and Lysander looked on awkwardly, not completely sure what to do.

Lorcan released Lily for a mere second to whisper something that sounded like "Go for it mate!" in his brother's ear.

He then promptly wrapped Lily up in a hug that lifted her off her feet. Roxanne felt her heart fill with longing, desperately wanting Lysander to love her the way she loved him.

"Roxie?" Lysander asked quietly.

Startled, she turned around. "You called?"

"Um, I, God, I have no idea what I'm doing. How do I say this?"

Roxanne's heartbeat quickened with every mumbled word, and she could feel the happy feeling in her gut she only felt around him. Then, even though she'd dreamed about what happened next nearly a hundred times, what he said caught her off guard.

"Roxanne, I really, really, like you. Would you, um, maybe want to go to Hogsmeade with me sometime?"

Roxanne blushed, grinning from ear to ear. "Lysander, I've loved you since I was six. Of course I want to go!"

The expression of pure joy on his face matched the joy in her heart. Abandoning any stupid reasons not to, she kissed him on the cheek and pulled him into an embrace. There was only one thought in her head: I'm THE Lysander Scamander's girlfriend! Lily and Lorcan watched, fingers intertwined, as the people they'd been best friends with their entire lives pulled each other close, sealing the relationship with a stamp of approval. They soon realised, however, that they did in fact have breakfast to attend, and each teenager returned to their house table.

James was on Roxanne the second she sat down. "Roxie! What was that? Are you two together? I'm telling your brother!"

Everyone laughed, even James, knowing he meant well but would probably forget by the time they reached the common room that night. Roxanne had been so caught up in the moment that she hadn't noticed that the Malfoy had joined their section of the table. Apparently, it had gone unquestioned. He was sitting by Rose, and they were deep in conversation about lord-knows-what. With a plan in her head, Roxie put a finger to her lips and whispered to Louis to stand up behind her and get his (wizarding) camera ready. She made a heart around the nerds, and Louis snapped a picture of the "couple". That picture was going to be a secret for now, but it would most definitely be used in the future. But in that one moment, with her fingers posed in a heart, Roxanne knew that the future didn't matter right now. All she cared about was that it was absolutely, positively, the best Saturday she'd ever had.

A/N- Sorry it took so long to update (not that anyone reads this)! I've been working on several other things, but I'm trying to get back into this one, so any patience is greatly appreciated. Also, thanks to everyone who's supported A Cast of Characters, the character guide for this. Nearly 700 reads means a whole lot, and it's been read in 8 countries! Thanks again for all your patience and support.

 Nearly 700 reads means a whole lot, and it's been read in 8 countries! Thanks again for all your patience and support

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