Chapter Six- An Added Bonus

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[ HUGO ]

"Don't stress too much, Hugh! You'll get it eventually, it's not that hard." Rose said, trying to encourage her brother, who groaned, and slumped back in his chair.

"Why, oh why, did I decide to take arithmancy?"

"I honestly don't remember. You were- oh, that's Scorpius; I've got to go. Good luck!"

With that, she ruffled Hugo's hair, stood up, and left for her next class, arm in arm with Scorpius.

He watched them go, not bothering to turn back to the jumble of numbers on his arithmancy homework. Rose was a friend he was very glad to have; she was smart, helpful, funny, and supportive. Being related to her was just an added bonus. Hugo knew Scorpius also thought very highly of Rose, though whether it was platonically or romantically, he couldn't tell. Watching his sister form solid friendships over a very short period of time wasn't something he was used to, and Hugo would admit he'd been jealous of Scorpius at first. Rose had been spending more and more time with Scorpius, and less and less with him, then one day, she spent an entire day with her younger brother. The day was spent in joy, and by the end of it, all feelings of envy were long gone. Hugo had realised that, whatever their relationship grew into, Rose and Scorpius would never have the kind of relationship Rose and Hugo had. That being said, Hugo was still in awe of the chemistry between Rose and Scorpius; they'd struck up a friendship only a few days ago, and were already so close anyone would've thought they'd know each other for years. Being the younger brother, he wasn't overprotective (Rose had their dad for that), but even if he was the elder, Scorpius wasn't someone Rose would need protecting from.

With a sigh, Hugo stood up, deciding to go to the library, where he would likely find Lorcan, Lysander, or his cousin Lucy. As it turned out, Lucy was the only one with a free period, and she was spending it reading.

"Hello, Luce." Hugo said, sitting down in a chair beside her. "What're you reading?"

"A book on television; it's really interesting." She said, giving him a smile to acknowledge his existence before immediately re-immersing herself in her book.

Lucy would rather stay inside all day with a book than go outside and do something with people, but no matter what she was reading, Hugo could always ask her for help.

"That's good." Hugo said. "I need some help, though."

Lucy placed her bookmark in the book (titled 'Doctor Who, Sherlock, and More: a Look at Electronic Muggle Entertainment') very carefully, then looked up at him.

"You have my attention."

"Arithmancy is murdering my brain. I don't know what the heck I'm doing half the time! I asked Rose, but she had to leave, and I know you two are in the same arithmancy class, so I was wondering if you'd be able to help me with it."

Lucy's face brightened; arithmancy was her best subject. "Of course! What's your assignment?"

"Number charts. I can't figure out the relationship between them, and there are several blank places where I don't even know the number!" Hugo pulled his homework out of a pocket, and unfolded it.

Lucy rummaged in the bookbag next to her, then set a quill, ink, and a few scraps of parchment on the table. Over the course of half an hour, she'd tried explained three different types of equations to Hugo, helped him finish his homework, and gotten him to remember why he'd taken the class in the first place.

"Thanks so much, Luce. I'm still not very good at it, but I got my homework done and I can figure out how to do future assignments for the most part. You're a lifesaver, really." Hugo thanked his cousin, a smile of relief crossing his face

"Of course. I've got to get to class now, though." she said, returning his grin, then leaving the library.

Hugo returned to the Gryffindor common room significantly happier than he'd been before. Lucy was incredibly smart, and always had been. He was incredibly grateful to have people like her, Rose and Scorpius in his life.

Speaking of which, Hugo thought. Shouldn't they be back by now? Their class has been over for a quarter hour!

He shook it off, though, knowing they were probably studying somewhere quieter. The common room was roaring, and he had no doubt he was related to the cause of it. He loved his family anyway, and always had. He rarely quarrelled with them, and they were all helpful, funny, and kind. Being related to a good amount of his year and house was just an added bonus.

A/N- It's been pretty much decades since I updated, but I'm back! I had a really hard time doing what I wanted to with this, so I pretty much had to scrap my plans and start over. Chapters from now on will be a lot shorter, which I didn't want to do, but had to. Hopefully it's okay!

 Hopefully it's okay!

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