Everyday, Opportunities for Jonathan..Christine's existence?

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Jonathan's POV ~

The next morning soon came..I felt really confident and is very competent about winning Johnson. I know now that Priscillia actually still loves me and I feel so much better! Priscillia..Please, I will win your heart back. You'll have to wait for me! I will try to win your heart back within these 7 days. This 1 week, just this 1 week. If you are still not feeling touched or wavered, then I'll leave for Singapore. After all, I am thinking of having my further studies there..But I really do hope I can get you back. Say if within these 7 days, I do not get you back, then I'll leave for Singapore alone.. But if I do get you back, I will bring you and your family over to Singapore. We can lead the best life there as I further my studies. "Jonathan..You got to do your best. It's only 7 days given..." I told myself. I got my usual blue-grey stripes polo tee and prepared to head to Priscillia's house. Although it was only 9am, but I told Auntie I will visit to win Priscillia's heart. And..To show sincerity, I think I should go there earlier..Off I go! *Sets off on a bicycle to Priscillia's house*

Priscillia's POV ~

*Yawns* Ughh.. *Alarm rings and Priscillia's New Pet Dog (Igloo) started to sniff Priscillia in order to get her to wake up* "Shh..Dear alarm and Igloo..I need a good sleep, I drank wine last night and now my head is hurting. So, let me sleep awhile more...! Please..I beg you." I pleaded and Igloo stopped and went into the living room, I then turn off my alarm and continued sleeping. If only Jonathan was here with me...I slept so soundly that I drooled by accident. I hate it when I drool..I swear I hate that. Feeling disgusted by my saliva, I opened my eyes and wanted to reach for some tissue. But the moment I open my eyes, the guy I saw is Jonathan! Feeling shock, I sat up and look at him with wide eyes. OH NO! MY UGLIEST LOOK IS NOW SEEN BY HIM >< I covered myself with a blanket and hid in there for awhile. After awhile, Jonathan flings up the blanket, gave me a sweet smile and ask "When are you going to stop hiding in here? You're so cute. Well..It's not as if I haven't see the ugly side of you. We used to sleep in the same bedroom when we were small, remember?" . "Why are you here? Yes..those days..." I stop and thought about those days. Jonathan then say "To get you back to me. Those days were sweet aren't they? And..Priscillia, I know you will feel stubborn about this. But listen to me, I will only use 7 days, which is 1 week of your time to win your heart back..So, please..Give me the chance." . "Alright, then..But remember, we have 2 barriers in between which is Johnson and Christine. Johnson who wants me and Christine who wants you." I replied. "No problem! I'll settle that..Leave that to me!" says Jonathan confidently.

Jonathan's POV ~

I was happy how Priscillia gave me that chance! I told Priscillia to go and wash up while I prepare breakfast..Priscillia went to wash up and I went downstairs to get the breakfast prepared. I fried the sausages and scrambled eggs and serve them onto 4 plates for Priscillia and her family. It smells so good! To be honest..I have never cook for anybody else other than me and my parents last time. Soon..I heard a voice. A voice which I hope would have never appeared now, at this moment.

Christine's POV ~

"Jonathan..! How sweet of you to prepare breakfast for us!" I told Jonathan. I slowly walked towards him and gave him a peck on his cheek. "Thanks..I love you." I added on. Jonathan pushed me away and gave me a really strict glare. It's the first time I see him this fierce..I backed away and sat down to have my breakfast. Mummy and Daddy soon came down too..Then came Priscillia. I purposely took a seat beside Priscillia and made Mummy sit beside her because I didn't want her to sit with Jonathan.At that point, Jonathan have got no choice but to sit beside me. I gave a evil grin on my face.


~ Conversation and actions which took place :

Mummy : Jonathan, this is what you cooked? It tastes super delicious. Love it.

*Priscillia takes a bite and smile* *Christine continues eating feeling arrogant*

Daddy : Wait..Jonathan, aren't you eating? You didn't cook your share and only cooked ours?

Jonathan : Thank you, Auntie..Well, it's okay, Uncle. I..I'm not hungry. *Jonathan's stomach grumble*

Priscillia : (I know he don't mean what he say) *Stood up and went inside the kitchen to prepare a bowl of noodles for Jonathan. Comes back with the bowl of noodle in hand* Here...Well, don't get the wrong idea. I just don't want you to starve,you might get gastric pain..No..No..I-I-I mean I don't want people to say my family is bullying you. *Eyes keep blinking*

Jonathan : *Smiles, feeling really happy inside*

Mummy : Well, somebody doesn't mean what she says! Jonathan..For all you know, whenever Priscillia lies, her eyes will keep blinking continuously without stop. Hahaha.. Great job, Son-In-Law! *Pats Jonathan on the back*

Priscillia : Mum..He's not your Son-In-Law..

Mummy : He's not my Son-In-Law? Oh..So you want a more specific meaning? He's your future husband then! xD *Teases Priscillia and starts laughing*

Priscillia : *Blushes and cheeks turn piping hot*

Jonathan : *Feels shy and continue eating his noodle,acting like he heard nothing* Well..What your Mum said, I agree with her I whisper to Priscillia. *Giving Priscillia a wink*

Chrisitne : Thoughts : (Priscillia is honestly such a... I HATE HER!) *Stare at Priscillia and rolls eyes*

Jonathan's POV ~

It's so blissful and fortunate to have a happy and complete family.. It has been so long since I sat down at the dining table to eat in with my close kins. I miss those days..Whereby my Dad and Mum will sit with me at the dining table and eat with me...Maybe I should cherish now..Because it's giving me a good life...Was I right? Because I didn't tell Priscillia what will happen if I couldn't win her back in 7 days. I didn't want that matter to force her to accept me. I want her to choose freely..Hence,if she rejected me after the 7 days, whether she meant it or not, I will head for Singapore directly. I've already bought the tickets. 5 tickets. I either use 1 ticket (a trip to Singapore myself) or 5 tickets (a trip to Singapore myself and with Priscillia's family) .

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