Day 2 ~ The Highest Peak Of A Mountain, Unhappiness

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Priscillia's POV~

After what had happened to Jonathan yesterday, I decided I would go and fetch him today. I woke up early and got ready to go out. I brought my camera and my handbag along..I started strolling along the path to Jonathan's house. It was a long distance! The sun felt so strong, like a fire out of control. Although I felt a little dizzy, but I decided I would continue and have some water when I reach his house. It was so selfish of me...Jonathan had to do this for me every morning, yet, I treated him like that. I didn't know how he felt at all..! After walking for 10 minutes, I manage to reach Jonathan's house. I rang the doorbell for a couple of times. After some while, I see Jonathan walk out ready to go out. He look really handsome today :) He's wearing a brown leather jacket with a white polo tee inside..He also wore the brown pants I gave to him a few years back. I gave him a smile, patted him on the back and say "Let's go! No need to cycle today..! Let's walk there together.." . I then initiated to hold his hand. Jonathan gave me a adorable smile which showed his true happiness.

Jonathan's THOUGHTS : Priscillia, I'm not sure whether you could tell..But the incident which happened those years came back to me. The phobia, the dark memories..I really don't want them to spoil my performance within the 7 days, but I guess that is impossible. I guess, I'm losing hope..I think I will leave for Singapore by myself.. I clearly understand that that incident is the dark shadow which has been following me, the one shadow which scarred my life. I'm now, filled with fear. Although I feel better with you by my side, but I feel the pain in my heart whenever I think of that incident and my dad's illness relapse..

Priscillia's THOUGHTS : Jonathan..No matter what happens, I am going to stay with you and help you overcome this matter. Although it is only 7 days that you stated..But I believe, I really believe I will stay with you longer than that and..I know, that incident. I know how I will be able to overcome it for you. Together, the both of us, we can overcome it. Trust me, Jonathan..I will bring you back your happiness. The only thing I feel regretful about is, is that I have to cover up my heart ache and push you towards Christine. That's my only regret.

~ At The Bottom Of The Mountain ~

Priscillia : Come, give me your hand, hand in hand..We will climb up there, to the highest peak of the mountain. Together, we can accomplish something..

Jonathan : *Forces a smile* Y-yes..I guess so. *Gives hand to Priscillia, looking troubled with matters*

Priscillia : *Takes his hand* *Feels upset inside, my heart aches seeing him like this* Thoughts : No..I shouldn't show my sadness. It'll only affect his mood more.. Priscillia, you can do it! Smile! ~ Let's go! Jonathan! The strong guy I've known..Let's go up to the peak of the mountain.

^The both of us, with our hands held, we started climbing up to the top of the mountain. There was a part, while climbing, whereby I felt really dehydrated and dizzy..But Jonathan wasn't feeling it. Neither did he give any reaction. If it was the normal him...He would have volunteered to carry me. Jonathan, my heart really aches to see you like that..It really does..^

*I continued climbing the mountain with Jonathan* We took hours, climbing to the peak. It was AMAZING! The view is really amazing at the peak! The both of us, at the peak of the mountain, looking at the scenery from the top. It was only then, whereby I saw Jonathan gave a slight smile*

Jonathan's POV ~

This..This accomplishment, it's just like what I did with my father. It felt great then..Because we were doing it together. But now that he is not here.. *Tears drip from my face, I tried to turn away from Priscillia*

Priscillia : Jonathan..? Why are you crying? *I tried to turn him around but he stood rooted to the ground* ( I really failed..I failed in making him happy. I made him feel worse. ) I'm sorry, Jonathan..I didn't mean it. I'm really sorry. *I walk in front of him, wipe away his tears and hug him* Jonathan who was feeling really horrible then, hugged me back really tightly.

"It isn't your fault, Priscillia..Those are really dark memories." I told her.

Jonathan's Thoughts : ( I guess..I guess I couldn't make it through the 7 days. I'll give up. Since I already told Auntie and Uncle about my plans of going to Singapore either alone or with them..They knows..And, hopefully, they'll keep it from Priscillia. I'll pack my stuffs and leave tonight. I don't want to see Priscillia feeling so hurt. I guess..I should at least enjoy my time with her for now, since this is the last. )

Priscillia's POV ~

*Grab his hand and ran down the mountain. Walking him to a ice cream store..Sits down and ordered a Love Bites Ice-Cream.* "Here..This will cheer you up. Smile! I'm here!.." I pass Jonathan the spoon and he started eating, still smiling very forcefully. We both ate the ice-cream and went to the park nearby.

Priscillia's and Jonathan's Conversation :

*Both Priscillia and Jonathan sees a old couple holding on to each other's hands*

Priscillia : Look! They're so cute..It's so sweet how they are leading each other like that. *Smiles*

*Both sits down onto the bench*

Jonathan : Priscillia..Say if, I am no longer with you, will you feel upset? *Eyes red, controlling tears*

Priscillia : What are you talking about?! Of course you'll be here with me..! Do you forget somethiing? We're best friends! *Smiles* *Soon falls asleep due to the tiring climbing of the mountain, head leaned against Jonathan's shoulders*

Jonathan : Thoughts (I'm sorry, Priscillia. I'm not supposed to tell you. I'll leave, since I've already bought the tickets to Singapore, I'll leave tonight. ) *Gives her a peck on her forehead* This is the last..The last I'll give you.

~ 2 Hours went past, Jonathan decided to bring Priscillia home ~

*Jonathan carries Priscillia on his back, with tears dripping from his eyes, eyes red and swollen*

*Reaches Priscillia's house and puts her in bed : Sweet dreams, Priscillia. If we're fated, maybe we'll meet again. *

*Priscillia's Mother sees Jonathan with his eyes red and swollen, bringing Jonathan to the balcony to have a chat *

Priscillia's Mother : Jonathan, are you alright? Why are you crying? *Rubs him on the back*

Jonathan : *Wipes away tears* No..Auntie, It's alright..I guess, I'll be leaving tonight. The dark memories I went through last time, they are back for me. I don't want to affect Priscillia staying here..So I'll be leaving tonight..For Singapore, Alone.

Priscillia's Mother : Are you sure? I don't want to force you..But I'll respect your decision. All the best in your studying and life over there. *Gives him a hug* All the best..

Jonathan : *Hugs back Priscillia's Mother* Alright.. I'll be leaving now.. *Tears still keeps dropping*

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