Blood Lust

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I stared down at them in complete shock, I was not expecting this at all, I looked down at them again and just gave them a blank expression and finally said

"No" it was as if their whole world has crushed it pained my heart they both stared at the ground. I started laughing
"Are you guys really that gullible?" I laughed their heads snot up and gave me a look
"Of course I will marry you. I love you guys with all of my heart I would be so stupid if I didn't" I smiled at them and they both crushed me in a hug i laughed and Ace placed the ring on my left finger, it fit perfectly and was so beautiful.

We shifted back into our wolves and ran back to our house.  We arrived back at the house and shifted back into our human forms, Vincent carried me effortlessly to our bedroom with Ace following close behind none of us caring that we are naked. Once inside the prominent smell of peonies entered my senses, I looked up to see peonies petals covering the bed and candles lit the room giving a very romantic feel to it. It was very pleasing and very nice of them to do this.

He carried me into the bathroom, which also had candles illuminating and peonies were everywhere. The bathtub was full with bubbles and water, Vincent placed me into the bath and the water was really hot they both got in right after me. We stayed in the bath as I washed them and then they both washed me careful around my more sensitive areas.

After our bath they dried off my body and wrapped me In a towel and Ace carried me to the bed and laid me down
"Please keep laying down" Ace placed a hand on my chest when I tried to sit up I nodded. Vincent Walked to my dresser and pulled out a gray bra and matching undies, I slightly blushed at him touching my under garments, Ace walked into the closet and came out with a pair of my jeans and a blush colored dress shirt. Vincent put on my underwear on my body which was strange and Ace dressed me in the clothes he picked out
"We are going out to dinner and I don't know what shoes you would like to wear so I thought you would pick those out yourself" Ace told me I nodded and got up from the bed and walked to the closet.

I picked out a pair of black heels that I thought would go with the outfit well, I've rarely ever worn heels but I know how to walk in them at least. I walked out to see the guys still getting dressed so I walked down stairs to get some blood because i was really craving it. I grabbed a bag and ripped open the little tap where they usually put the IV in, and I gulped it down quickly, I needed another, and another,
"Mace?" Vincent called from the door way. I stopped halfway through ripping my 4th bag and turned to look at him.
"You're eyes are red" Ace whispered from behind him.
"I'm sorry I'm just really hungry" I finished with the bag that was in my hand and threw all 4 of the empty bags away and tried to change my eyes back.
"Are they okay now?" I asked
"Yes" they both said together. I nodded and washed my mouth out with water.

"We should be going" Ace spoke and grabbed my hand and led me out the door and to the car. I was still super blood thirsty even though I just drank so much I don't know why but I really needed more it was all I could think about while we were driving to the restaurant.

"Mace?" I snapped out of my blood lust trance
"Hmm?" I hummed back
"Are you okay?" Vincent asked
"Oh yea I'm fine" I smiled at him and he helped me out of the car and to the table at the restaurant. We were seated in a circular type booth in a more sectioned off area.

I was in the middle of the two boys and they were sitting really close to me with our knees touching. The contact making me heat up so much it was making my heart race. Ace grabbed my hand when the waiter came by to take our drink orders, I ordered a water and the waiter left. A few moments later the waiter came back and gave us our drinks we were ready to order. I ordered shrimp Alfredo and the two boys ordered stakes.

My blood thirst died down a little bit and the boys were making small talk. They both looked down at me and just smiled I smiled back and laid my head on Vincent's shoulder and both of their hands were on my upper thighs and gently rub them making me super relaxed.

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