My love

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It's been 1 week since I've been restricted on blood and it's driving me crazy I'm so hungry all the time and I'm angry most of it. I've destroyed to living room 3 times already because of the restrictions, one blood bag a day wasn't doing anything, and every time one of my mates come in the room I can practically taste the blood running through their veins.

I'm laying in bed just laying there when all of a sudden this wave of pain crashes over me, it nothing I've ever experienced it feels like my whole body is being set ablaze. I scream out in agony
"Mace! Mace dammit what's wrong?!" Vincent shouted over my screams
"It hurts, it hurts" i cried out
"What hurts?" He asked
"Everything" I whimpered he picked me up and cradled my body and it went away.
"It's your wolf trying to take back dominance." He told me.
"We have to mate soon" I quietly said
"I know my love, I know" he sounded defeated
"Where is Ace?" I asked
"He went out to get stuff for dinner" he told me and I just nodded.

I had to wiggle out of Vincent's arms before I rip through his skin to drink the blood pumping through his veins.
"I think when Ace gets home I wanna go for a swim in the lake behind the house " I said
"Okay we can do that" Vincent nodded I smiled at him and I heard the door open down stairs and I perked up and rushed downstairs to greet Ace

"Blake?!" I yelled
"Macey!!!" I jumped into his open arms while he spun in a little circle and I squealed and then I heard a deep female growl. I instantly broke from Blake's embrace and felt my eyes turn red and a deep growl escaped from the back of my throat as I stared at the girl but quickly stopped as I saw it was Sydney.

"Oh Sydney, sorry" I coughed
"Me too I'm just a little possessive over my mate" she chuckled
"Yea me too" I smiled
"So Mace, we came here because the twins told me about your little situation. And even though they told me not to come I know you wouldn't be any harm to your only friend" Blake looked at me
"You're not my only friend asshole" I slightly slapped his chest
"Oh yes I am" he laughed
"Why are you here?" I asked
"Well we have a little surprise for our favorite person and Luna" He started although he is my Beta he still thinks of me as less dominant.
"And why would that be?" I asked
"Well, you know me and Sydney have known each other for quite some time now and we are getting married soon we sent out the invitations yesterday, but," Sydney stopped him there
"Oh my goodness you take forever. I'm pregnant." She finished for him. My heart stopped and they both looked at me expectantly a wide smile plastered on my face and I embraced them both

"Oh my god!" I yelped ecstatically "I'm gonna be an Aunt!! Do you know the sex?" I asked
"Well we are going to find that out tomorrow and since you're the only family we have We were wondering if you would come with us" Sydney smiled at me
"She can't do that" Ace came through the door
"What?! Um, yes I can" I defended myself
"No you can't, the blood lust" he argued
"I can control it, I haven't bit either one of their necks yet have I? I have to be there for them" I put my hands on my hips
"Mace, no." His voice got deeper and I decided not to press I just looked at Sydney and mouthed that I would be there
"So how far along are you?" I asked
"3 months but you know how werewolf babies grow faster" she answered
"Well alright, do you wanna go watch tv or something?" I asked
"Well we actually have to go we just wanted to tell you in person and the appointment is at 8:30am tomorrow if they change their minds" Blake said
"Alright well, thanks for stopping by, I love you" I hugged Blake and Sydney.
"Alright, Bye" they waved goodbye and left

"You're not going" Ace said from the kitchen
"Alright, Ace and Vincent said we can go swimming in the lake out back" I informed him
"Ok go get changed" He told me I nodded and went upstairs to put on a bathing suit I grabbed a random blue 2 piece and a towel and rushed outside I threw my towel on the little swing that was next to the lake and I jumped in, the slightly cool water felt good on my blazing skin. I heard a splash from behind me and turned around to see Vincent standing behind me I smiled at him and he circled his hands around me and smiled back. I heard another splash and laughed slightly and swam away from them, they swam after me but I was faster. I came up for air and looked around for them they were about 3 feet away.

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