When my eyes finally opened it was hard to get out of bed. When I stretched, every muscle in my body ached in protest. I was in a grand amount of pain, almost too much to handle. A small sliver of sunlight shone threw the window, giving me some sort of kick to get up. I lifted off the bed and shuffled to the bathroom, a painful ache made itself present mostly on my sides and legs. I looked in the mirror: I had bags under my eyes, a healing bruise on my high cheekbone, and my bottom lip was busted. I stripped out of my clothes and got in the shower, the water was blistering hot as I scrubbed in hopes to wash the pain from last night away. It didn't work, not even a slightest bit. I stepped out and brushed through my dark hair.
I went to my closet and got a pair of jeans and a green long sleeve shirt. I put on my old converse and my hoodie, brushed my teeth and made him some breakfast. I simply got myself a glass of milk, grabbed my school bag and left.The car ride to school was quiet and peaceful, I was able to my mind and relaxed for a minute. Knowing I can't be hurt for a few more hours. I pulled into the school parking lot and as normal barely anyone was here. I did see a blue charger; my dream car me and my Blake would talk about getting nice cars and great jobs one day. Vincent was next to it talking to someone I don't recognize. I got out of my car and the cold Canadian air poured over me like buckets of ice cold water, waking me up further.
As I made my way to the school building Vincent smiled at me and I smiled a small smile back. He told the guy something and walked away from him. He walked towards me and in to the school building,
"Hey" he finally broke the silence that fell over us like a thick blanket.
"Hi" I replied back in a small voice.
"How are you?" He asked generously.
"Good, And you?" I continued the small talk as we make our way to my locker.
"I've been alright" he shrugged, I nodded in response, not knowing what else to say.
We got to my locker and more people started coming and looked at me oddly, I wasn't sure why. I quickly grabbed my books and made my way to math.
Vincent followed behind me to class and I didn't like the looks people gave me they made me uncomfortable. I continued walking into the classroom and took my seat, happy with the comfort it gave me. As normal Vincent took his seat beside me, for some odd reason I felt protected in the presence of him. I took out a piece of paper I drew on previously and continued the drawing, just random doodles. More people filled the classroom as school started.The class bell rang and the teacher wasn't here yet, Ace came in a little while ago but I was pre-occupied. When the teacher finally did come twenty minutes late she passed out a math worksheet. As the other students had trouble figuring it out, I finished it in 10 minutes. It was easy for me, I looked out the window getting lost in the time thinking, and began day dreaming.
Someone tapped on my shoulder, snapping out of my daze and I saw it was Ace.
"Hey can you help me?" He asked.
I handed him my sheet and continued on my thoughts. When the bell rang, Ace grabbed my arm, I tried to ignore the pain it caused.
"I didn't mean with math" he chuckled.
"Then what?" I asked, feeling uncomfortable with his hand on me
"Will you help me with a date to the party Friday?" He asked
"I don't know anyone." I replied and took my arm from his hold.
"Will you go with me? Is what I meant." He chuckled and shook his head.
"Uh...I can't I have things Friday sorry" I rushed out after that.I couldn't go to a party, there is no way in hell he would ever let me go out ever. I'm sneaking out already today, I can't do it anymore. I made my way to my next period and barely paid any attention. I was too busy thinking about things. When my third period came I went to my locker to grab my books. What I didn't expect was Ace standing there.
"Why can't you go to the party with me?" He asked
"I just can't" I hurried to grab my book.
He touched my side and I flinched, I had a bruise there.
"Oh, I'm sorry" he apologized. I nodded and left for English class.When I got their there was a substitute today so everyone is going to be acting annoying. Vincent came to class but Ace didn't, I found that very strange. The substitute put on a film but I didn't pay any attention to it. Once the bell rang, signaling lunch, I went to my locker to put up my books.
"What happened?" Ace asked from behind me, Causing me to jump.
"What do you mean?" I asked
"You're hurt, you have bruises." He pressed on.
"I'm clumsy" lie.
"No your not, who did this to you?" He ordered
"No one, leave me alone." I told him and exited the school. I didn't have work today but I did have somewhere to go.As I pulled into the werewolf hospital parking lot my wolf got excited or something. But I pushed it aside needing to visit my best-friend. I walked down the white halways. My shoes making a quiet echo with each step I took. Once I made it to his room I opened to door ever so slightly and shut it behind me.
There he laid on the hospital bed. It made my eyes water just looking at him, I just want my bubbly friend back. I walked towards the chair next to his bed. I brushed his dark brown hair with my fingertips, to get it out of his face. I desired to see his emerald eyes glow at me again. I missed him so much.
Visiting him wasn't enough. I wanted to hang out with him, like the good days. I sat in the chair and put his big hand into my small fragile one. I remembered all the good times we had, playing in the Canadian snow, movie marathons on snow days, helping him with algebra because he sucked. I chuckled at the thought.
I missed him so much, my only friend, my brother, the only one who gets me, is not with me when I need him the most. The hot, slaty tears broke free and streamed down my face. An opening of the door startled me. I looked up and it was a nurse.
"It's 3:45, you usually leave by this time, wanted to check up" she smiled.
"Thank you" I told her and wiped the rest of the tears and got up. Smoothed myself down, i bent down and placed a light kiss on his head, as if not to wake him of the peaceful sleep.I exited the quiet, white hospital, I had another hour before I had to go home. I decided to stop at the store and buy myself a cell phone, I didn't have one and I felt like I needed one.
I quickly drove home making sure not to be late. I got to my "house" and quickly made him some dinner. I went to my room, and did some homework. It was around 8:45 I decided to hurry and get my shower, so when he gets here I will be asleep. When 9:30 rolled around he still wasn't here, then 10:00 still not here, then 11 still not here. I finally drifted away into a silent sleep, hoping he would just never come back.

Broken in Two ✔️
Hombres LoboFormerly known as The Abused Mate of Two Mace is a beautiful werewolf she just doesn't know it. A tragedy happens and Mace has to depend on herself and her low income rate. Her life sucks up until her 17th birthday, she finds out her only friends i...