48 hours

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It's been 4 days since the first sightings of the rouges. I went on multiple runs with the patrol and spotted more and more rouges each time I don't know what is happening and why they are trying to come into the territory.

Today I was on a run with 4 pack warriors, we were patrolling the outsides of the borders about a meter outside of our borders. About halfway through our run the pungent smell of blood was coming closer the more we ran. We came to a halt when we approached a clearing with a dead wolf in the middle of it. I knew that he wasn't from our pack, as we got closer my eyes caught a glimpse of a folded piece of paper that was sitting next to the wolf with a little bit of blood on it.

As I got closer I noticed that my name was addressed on the front in black lettering. I picked it up and unfolded it.
72 hours
Was all it said. I had no idea what that mean. 72 hours for what? I didn't know yet but I had to prepare the pack for whatever was going to come in 72 hours. I asked the patrol to burry the body even though I didn't know the person it didn't deserve to be left out so the wildlife can get to it. I ran back to the pack house and called an emergency meeting.

"What is this about?" Blake asked
"Me and a patrol group were on a border run and we came across a wolf that had been slaughtered, there was a piece of paper that was addressed to me. And it said 72 hours. Now I don't know what it means but we have to be prepared for anything we need to start training extra hard." I told the group.
"If we are going into war we need extra help from other packs just in case," Blake said
"We aren't allies with any pack" I told him
"Your mates are the alphas of the strongest and most powerful pack in the world." The head of the pack warriors said.
"Well me and my mates aren't on good terms at the moment" I mumbled slightly handling my head down.
"You could just apologize and go back home" Blake suggested
"I can't now. My pack needs me" I told him
"Your mates also need you" he said
"Okay, we have our pack and we have another pack as allies. Training starts tomorrow, inform all the Warriors and Blake watch over the pack tonight." I dismissed everyone and decided it was time to go home.

On the car ride home I was nervous and didn't know what to say to the boys. I parked my car in my driveway next to Vincent's and walked into my house.
"Mace!" I was engulfed in a hug by Ace "I missed you so much" he took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry Ace" I mumbled into his chest.
"It's okay I understand where you're coming from with your pack" he rubbed my back still holding me tightly.
"I need to talk to about the packs actually" I told him
"Oh, alright." He took my hand and led me to the couch were Vincent was sitting.

I explained the situation to them and they agreed to help out and send their warriors to train with mine tomorrow. After that Vincent left to go inform the pack of the training tomorrow and I decided to make lunch because I haven't really ate in the past few days.

I started making grilled cheese because it's my favorite lunch time meal. I was flipping the last sandwich when Ace came up behind me and circled his arms around my waist and nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck, he placed a soft kiss on the sensitive skin making me shiver I put the sandwich on a plate with the other ones and turned off the stove.

I turned around and placed my hands around his neck and he bent down and kissed me. The kiss turned very passionate and he pushed me over to the island that was in the middle of the kitchen, my back hit the cold marble counter top and he picked me up and placed me on top of the island, I opened my legs so he could come closer and I felt is bulge on my core and moaned at the Sparks that erupted in my body. My fingers were laced in his soft locks and gently pulling at the ends.

He picked me off of the island without breaking the kiss he took me up stairs into the bedroom and dropped me on the bed breaking the kiss. I looked at him looming over my body, his eyes were dark and his lips swollen I smiled when we came closer and continued kissing me. He swiftly took off my shirt and I took his off I ran my fingers over his muscles and he took off my bra and started to grip and play with my breasts. He began to take off my pants along with his own, the need for him became over whelming. When our pants were off I flipped us over and kissed him so passionately. I started to kiss down his jaw and to his neck leaving small love bites, his hands were gripping my thighs and he was lightly moaning.

I took off our underwear and he flipped us back over, in one swift movement he was inside of me and giving me amazing pleasure. I was scratching his back and he was biting my neck, our moans filled the air as we both climaxed. We both laid in bed for a few minutes until my stomach growled and I remembered the grilled cheese sandwiches down stairs. I threw on my clothes and walked down stairs and ate the sandwiches that were cold.

After I finished eating I drank a cup of blood and then Me and Ace decided to go outside, we were sitting on the back porch just chilling when a arrow was shot from the woods, it was aiming straight for Ace before I jumped in front of it.
"Mace!" Ace shouted, I looked down and an arrow was pierced through my lower stomach near my hip
"Ouch" I hissed as I pulled it out of my body.
"Mace! Why would you just rip it out?" Ace scolded me
"What did you want me to do? It already healing anyways." I threw the arrow down
"Why did you jump in front of it?" He asked
"It would've killed you if I didn't" I replied to him "and besides it didn't really hurt that much" I shrugged.
"I love you Mace."
"I love you too Ace"

Vincent came home a little while after that and we told him what happened and he was angry at who ever shot the arrow and I was too. Vincent made dinner and demeaned that I sleep at the house with them instead of the pack house.

I woke up to a phone call
"Hello?" I groggily asked
"Mace, I think you need to get to the pack house now." Blake's frantic voice spoke
"Why what's wrong?" I was now wide awake and throwing on clothes
"You just need to be here as soon as possible."
"I'll be there in 3 minutes" I hung up and threw on shoes. I quickly brushed my teeth and kissed the boys goodbye who were somehow still asleep.

I decided I could run there and it would be faster than a car.

"Blake!" I yelled as I entered the house.
"Mace, it's Paxton," he started
"What happened to Paxton?!" I roared
"She's gone" he said
"What do you mean she's gone!?" I yelled
"She's not in her room" I ran up the stairs and into her room.

'48 hours' was written on her wall in dripping Crimson red blood. I knew it was hers because of the scent.
"Where is she?!" I roared
"We found this note" Blake handed me a piece of paper
'Proposal' was wrote with the same handwriting as the first note. What the fuck does that mean?!
"Do you know what that means?" Blake asked. I shook my head slowly no. I looked down at the paper and noticed the diamond ring that was on my left ring finger
"Paxton is at the spot where the boys proposed to me." I said
"They proposed to you?!" He asked
"Yea like a week ago" I shook my head and ran out of the house and back to my house and into my back yard a few wolves were following me.

I got to the spot and saw Paxton on the ground tied up with a piece of tape over her mouth she saw me and I saw a spark in her eyes. I rushed over to her and untied her and took off the tape
"Mace!" She cried in my arms
"What happened?" I asked her
"Someone shot me with an arrow and then took me here and tied me up" she pointed to her upper thigh where a white cloth was stained with red.
"Are you okay?" I asked
"I'm okay, it just hurts a little" I nodded my head.
"How would you feel about you and Xander spending a few nights with me and my mates?" I asked her as I carried her to my house.
"I would like that!" She nodded her head eagerly I smiled and asked one of the wolves that came with me to get Xander and some clothes for both of them and a few toys.

"Mace," Vincent stopped when he saw Paxton
"What happened?" Ace asked
"someone shot her and tied her up in our back yard." I bluntly said.
"She is going to stay here with us for a few days until things calm down" I place her on the couch
"Are you hungry?" I asked her she shook her head no.
"Well Paxton you are going to stay here with Vincent and Ace while I go and help with the pack." I told her
"I have to go with you to train" Vincent said I forgot
"Ace you have to stay with Xander and Paxton while we are gone, if you can't handle that I can call my grandmother" I looked at him
"I can handle it" he said
"I have to do but Xander should be here soon" I kissed Paxton and Ace goodbye and me and Vincent went back to the pack house to start training.

1 more day and all hell is going to break loose.

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