The new Twins

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My eyes felt heavy as I opened them, they felt as if I had tape trying to hold them closed. When i was finally able to open them, I saw that I was on the cold floor of my barren bedroom. I went to push myself off the floor when a sharp pain shot through my body, making my mind recall the memories from last night....

"Why were you home late?" The raging monster in front of me roared, sending fear through my spine.

"I...I was getting you din...ner" I stuttered, not being able to find enough strength to form a strong answer.

"That's no excuse!" he yelled and grabbed my hair and threw me into the wall, i felt the air rush out of my chest, leaving me desperate for oxygen. I heard my creak from the sheer force. I fell onto the cold tile, withering in pain, the cold sending chills down my spine.

"Your a worthless piece of shit!" He screamed and kicked me. Affectively breaking my sensitive ribs, I felt completely broken at this point, my breathing becoming more ragged and desperate with each kick he served me with, I was able to protect most of my chest and stomach, only making my arms and legs take the blows.

I heard his footsteps echo away and the slamming of the front door. I dragged myself to my bedroom, the slight movement causing excruciating pain. I fell to the floor and tried to catch my breath, each lung expansion causing a wheeze of pain. Eventually my weak body calms and I found myself in a sleep full of nightmares.

I shivered from the recalled beating, my body was sore and it was unbearably hard to breathe. I tried to connect with my wolf, try to desperately ask if she can help me heal, but just like the other times I've tried to call out to her, she's long gone.

I pushed myself off the floor, trying my best not to cause any more damage to myself, and took a shower. As the cold water splashed across my skin it reminded me that I'm still alive, that I still have another day.  I got out and looked in the mirror; My long auburn hair flowed around my green eyes, they held no light, no hope, just cloudy and distant green. My face was ugly, no features to separate me from the rest.  I am fat and ugly, pathetic, weak, just like he says. I didn't forget to take notice of the busted lip and black eye that adorned my disgruntled face.

I trudged out of the small bathroom the cold air making me shiver, i went to my tiny closet. I threw on a pair of jeans and a hoodie to cover myself from the cold. I grabbed my book-bag and went downstairs, carefully not to make any noise and wake him up. His snores were echoing through the empty, cold house telling me his still sleeping from a hangover. I do what I'm told and make breakfast him a small plate of eggs and pancakes.

I quickly jumped outside and got into my car, not given to me by him but for It was a present from a pack member on my 16th birthday, he was my bestfriend, Blake. Well he was my best friend, until Blake found out what was happening and he  hurt and now he's in a coma. Tears weld up in my eyes threating to drop when I thought about my sessile friend but, I forced them back in and drove to school.

I used to be a part of a pack until my mother died, she was favored by many in the pack, until he showed up. Once my mother died he was caught trying to mate with an already mated female, causing him to be exiled and be dragged along with him.

The ride to school wasn't that long, traffic was light and the scenery past by as I drove.

I got out of my car and walked swiftly to my locker, grabbed my books for my first and second period. I closed my locker and more people started flooding in. I walked to my first period and took my seat; in the back right corner next to the window. Sometimes I would look out the window and daydream about a normal life, a life with my mom and without him.

I looked up from my desk and more people came in and took their seats. The bell rang and Mrs Deistic came in and started giving instructions. She handed out our test from last week.

Math Test-Mace~104

I'm always good at school without even studying I kinda have photographic memory. She smiled at me and walked away. The door suddenly opened and two guys walked in. They were twins you could tell by just looking at them, they both had brown hair, one had a blonde undertone and the other was just dark brown, both strongly built, tall and oh so hot. I shook my head to clear those thoughts.

"Ah, yes Mr. Finch, and Mr. Finch, take the seats that are available" the teacher smiled at them. They looked around and their eyes landed on the two seats next to me. Of course! One was directly to my left and the other one right infront of me greeeaaattttt.

They stalked over to the seats and sat down. The one with blonde undertone that sat infront of me looked back and smiled. Revealing dimples. I just looked down and did the worksheet the teacher passed out earlier.

The bell rang and I rushed to my second period, trying to get out of the room as quickly as possible. I went to the seat in the far right corner and then the twins came into the door right after me. They sat in the same spots as last time, I just started working on the problems that the teacher put on the board.

"Hey, I'm Ace" the blondeish kid introduced

"Hi," I whispered, I lifted up my head and a look of anger shot threw his eyes and I quickly put my head back down confused and hurt. I don't quite know why I was hurt, but I just was.

A light hand was placed under my chin and raised my head up is looked into Ace's eyes and he smiled. The bell rang and I quickly jumped up and went to my car. Why did I let him touch me? He could've hurt me for all I know. I didn't have classes for the rest of the day but he didn't know that.

I opened my car door and sped off to work. I work at a small coffee shop close by, only me and one other person work there.  I'm a senior that's why I get out earlier. I skipped a grade because I made exceptional grades.

I made it to the coffee shop and got changed in the back and there wasn't really a line but a couple people. I started making the coffee and taking orders.

The door swung open and it revealed the twins, what a lovely surprise. They saw me and smiled I just looked down and continued making the mocha in front of me. I handed it to the customer and watched as she walked away

They were next in like

"Hey can I take your order?" I smiled at them

"2 large coffees, black, one with sugar" He smiled. I nodded and made the easy drinks.

I wrote Ace on his drink and Vincent with a heart and gave it to them. Vincent smiled at me and left Ace just shook his head, chuckled and they left. My shift was over so I rushed to get changed and a note was left in the employee lounge

"pick up paychecks on your way out" I grinned and walked to the counter where they were. I grabbed mine and opened it, I smiled when I read the normal amount plus a little more from the extra hours I've been picking up

I drove to the bank and put a small amount of my paycheck in the bank and put my card in the hem of my seat so he couldn't find it and steal it. I drove to the store to buy myself dinner when I returned home he wasn't there so I hurried to make his dinner. It's 8 o'clock and he gets off at 9 so I took my shower and hoped he wouldn't beat me tonight.

At 9:03 I heard the front door slam. I jumped and laid back down in bed. A short time after he came in my room and slammed the door shut.

"Get up slut!" he screeched and yanked me off the bed to the cold floor. He kicked my ribs and it began to scream in pain. I winced harshly but didn't cry, I couldn't give him that satisfaction again. He grabbed me by my hair and flipped me over so I was on my back. "You're a bitch!" he spat and punched me in the face. Busted my lip, he kicked me repeatedly and bashed my head in the floor and walked out. The pain was immense and it was nights like these I just wanted to know why he hated me the way he does. It's not like I'm a troubled teen, or anything of the sorts. I've never done anything wrong that I could think of, I don't think I'll ever know.

I painfully got up and laid in my bed. I covered up and balled my eyes out, asking the moon goddess why, until I eventually fell asleep, drowning in my own tears.

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