Christmas Pt. 2

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I decided to make small talk with Paxton.
"So Paxton, where's your parents." I asked.
"My mommy went to sleep for a while when she had me, and my daddy lost a fight with the wolves" she replied. A little part of my heart broke, hearing that she lost both of her parents so soon was unbelievable.
"What's your favorite color princess?" I asked.
"Pink" she smiled brightly.
"Mine is red." I told her looking in the rear view mirror.
"What's your favorite animal?" She asked.
"A wolf, they always amaze me, what's yours?" I asked.
"A butterfly, because one day I want to be one and fly away from the bad people" that brought tears to my eyes. No five year old should have those thoughts.

Her short, dark red/brown hair went passed her shoulder blades. She was playing with her finger nails, she looked lost in thought. I pulled into the mall, it wasn't busy but it wasn't not busy.

"We are here" I brought her out of thoughts.
"Where are we?" She asked, clearly afraid.
"Don't be afraid, I will never hurt you, we are at the mall." I smiled
"This is the mall? I've heard the big kids talking about it" she replied.
"Well, let's go in!" I encouraged.

I opened the back door and got her out. I grabbed her hand and we walked in. Her glassy pale green doll-like eyes looked in amazement. I smiled,
"Get anything you want" I smiled. She looked at me like I've gone crazy. I pulled her to the small store that was for little girls. Had everything a girl could ask for. Makeup, nail polish, perfume, dress up clothes, and everything in between.
About an hour went by and we were walking to the food court because little Paxton's stomach growled.

"Oh looky, I told you guys she was a slut, she even has her own kid" a screechy voice spoke from behind us. I just pulled Paxton's arm and tried to walk away, she turned around.
"Listen here meany, you shut your mouth before my Luna punishes you" Paxton's voice tried to sound hard. Presley just gave her a blank look.
"Leave it Paxton, just because she's mean doesn't mean you have to be," I told her then I covered her ears so she couldn't hear what I was about to say, "and Presley go fuck yourself, you and you aids infested self. Or I'll beat you again, oh and how's your nose feeling?" (That chapter accidentaly got deleted if you were lost Mace beat Presley) I smirked and flashed my eyes red and showed her my fangs. She just walked away with her groupies.

I uncovered her ears and smiled at her. We ate. My hands were full of bags. We ate subway, well more like she ate subway, I wasn't hungry. After she ate we went and got ice cream.
"I want vanilla," Paxton tugged on my shirt.
"Ok" I nodded. And ordered 2 vanilla ice cream cones. We decided to go eat it on the outside bench. Even though it was slightly snowing, I was warm. Ice cream is ten times better in the cold. I saw that Paxton had cold chills. I finished off my icecream and pulled her close and kept her warm. She finished and we left.

We arrived back at the pack house, it wasn't too late, we were out for about two hours. It's now 3:34, I helped Paxton out of the car and grabbed her bags full with girlie stuff. I walked though the door behind Paxton everyone looked at me like I was crazy especially the teenagers. I just smiled and followed Paxton to her room.

I threw all the bags into her floor and plopped down on her bed. She giggled and joined me.
"Can we have a tea party?" She asked.
"Once we put these things away" I smiled. She had a large chest at the end of her bed. We put all the toys and dress up clothes neatly in there and we set up her small vanity will all of her makeup and perfume. I wish I had this when I was little, oh well.

"Tea party time!!" She screeched in excitement once we finished put the items we bought away.
"Ok set it up" I told her.
"You can't have tea in pants!" She protested.
"Why not?!" I pouted, jokingly.
"You have to dress up, here put on this" she handed me a red tutu and a small crown. I put them on, she put on a pink dress, a pair of white gloves, and a big crown. I helped her set up the tea set.

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