First Kill

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Izaya Orihara gazed down from the top of the twenty story dilapidated housing complex. His eyes following the small ant like dot of one of his lovely humans. It was his next prey, so pitiful that human was. The human did not match this part of Ikebukuro. This part of Ikebukuro was the places not even Shizuo, Celty, or Simon would go. Everywhere you looked was lovely humans passed out in the street, selling themselves or drugs, and fights. There was a stench of desperation, blood, angst, and the illegal.

Kyo awoke and almost wanted to scream at the stench that was invading his nostrils. Ammonia, urine, smoke, and death was all he could smell. He knew his illegal slave trade was wrong at least in the eyes of others but for what he went threw so far he doesn't think he deserved it. He peered around the room and froze with what he saw. The room was filled with torture devices. The Rack, The Virgin of Nuremberg, and the Brazen Bull stuck out the most. Kyo broke out in a cold sweat and started to hyperventilate. Tears burned his eyes knowing he was not going to make it out alive. He heard light tap taps that where getting louder. His heart pounded until it felt like it was going to sear a hole through his chest.

A door creaked open and a wave of light flooded the room. There stood the man named Izaya Orihara. Everyone in Ikebukuro knows what he looks like and what he does. Kyo whimpered a wave of dread going down his spine. Orihara smirked and walked over to the torture devices on the other side of the room. He walked slowly and deliberately letting fear rise in his prey. He knows what he's going to do and he knows what Kyo is going to do and how long it will take him to go bye bye. He ran his pointer finger over sharp tools of pain. He watched Kyo twitch and shudder. Oh how he loved messing with HIS lovely humans minds. When Izaya was in this mode all he saw was that one human. He would devote all his time to that one human till he got what he wanted.

Orihara's mind went blank. He was only thinking of spilling the precious liquid of life. The crimson liquid would flow and cover the whole room maybe even cover himself if he allowed it. His heart raced in anticipation. His mouth watered uncontrollably. He knew he couldn't control himself much longer. His mind was making wild fantasies that involved an over exaggeration of blood. He imagined The Rack pulling Kyo's limbs in an agonizingly slow way for both of them. He could hear the screams of pain. He saw the appendages being ripped off. He couldn't take it anymore.

Kyo had a blind fold put around him. The darkness made him start feeling like a crazy person. Every noise seemed to be louder than normal. Something started to drip on his face. His mind started to race thinking of all the things it could be. The conclusion his mind came up with was that Izaya Orihara was going to drown him. He started to open his mouth when water went down it and made him sputter and cough. He knew now that he was going to down. He could do nothing about it either.

How sad this human was. Izaya may love all humans but he was enamored with some more than others. This guy was nothing to him, one of his least favorites. Izaya was going to use the Chinese water torture till he was sure his mind was gone. Then it would be off to The Rack. He was ready to test it out. He knew lately that he has not been in the right state of mind, well more so than normal. He was hiding it very well from Celty, Shinra, and even Shizu-chan. If they found out Izaya wonders what they would do. Maybe Celty and Shinra would be worried and Shizu-chan would try to kill him even more. Izaya decided to let the water torture go on for a day and come back eventually to start on The Rack.

Izaya had left his home and was walking down the streets of Ikebukuro. In only an hour or so he would be back with his prey. He could not wait. He may have been an annoying human but humans like him need to be preyed on. Just like the story called the "The Most Dangerous Game" the weak are here to give pleasure to the strong and Izaya considered himself god. He spotted blond hair and knew that it was his Shizu-chan. He did not like Shizu-chan but he was an interesting human to play around with. Shizuo turned feeling the aura of madness.

Shizuo noticed messy black hair in the crowd of people. Anger bubbled up around him clouding his vision. All he saw was Izaya that is how he sometimes injured bystanders. How he hated Izaya. He hated nothing more in the world. He ran after Izaya grabbing a light pole along the way.

"IZZZZZAAAAAYYYYYAAAAAA," yelled the man dressed as a bartender.

"Shizu-chan, how great it is to see you," Izaya sang as he ran,” it’s dangerous to run with a light pole. Didn't your mother ever teach you that? Sorry I can't stay and chat I have something else I have got to do."

Orihara had vaulted over a safety rail and landed off in an alleyway. He got away from Shizuo after thirty minutes and was making his way back to where his lovely prey was. He didn't look around as most would when they were going some where or doing something you shouldn't, that's just too suspicious.

Kyo's mind was gone. He was drooling because his brain had suffered too much shock and had trouble controlling certain functions now. He wanted to die. Izaya was just messing with him and would probably let him go soon but he knew he wasn't going to be the same mentally.

The door was opened and in walked Izaya. Kyo couldn't see him but he heard everything. He was unbound and dragged by Izaya. He was placed down on something stiff that felt like wood. Orihara grabbed his appendages and bound them the wood. Izaya slowly took off the blindfold and threw it to the side.

Kyo turned his head away from the soft amount of light a light bulb was giving off. He had turned his head to where he could see what he was strapped to and screamed. Izaya covered his ears and smirked. Kyo couldn't believe that he was trapped to The Rack. What did he do to deserve it? Water streamed down his face from is eyes. His brain shut itself off knowing what was coming next.

Izaya's hand grabbed the crank next to the instrument and slowly started to turn. He could hear Yamamoto’s breath come out in gasps. He felt the strain he was making on Kyo's arms and legs. He heard the bones pop as Kyo screamed. He saw the arms being ripped off. Blood, skin, and shards or bone went every where. He was covered in blood as Kyo slowly died from blood loss and tried holding back a laugh but he couldn't. It was the most maniacal and demented laugh anyone would have ever heard.

Izaya stopped laughing and stared at the body of the young man. Tears went down Izaya's face. Izaya couldn't help it something was going wrong with his mind. All he could think about was blood and death. He fell to the floor and his tears turned to sobs.

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