To The Stage

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Celty inwardly smiled “seeing” the message from Shinra. After reading the message it had turned into a frown. She tried to imagine this young girl living with someone like him. Fear gripped at her just like she felt about aliens. Izaya was an alien to everyone.

That poor girl but she seemed to be okay with it. Maybe she can help Izaya because I can’t. The last time I saw him I saw that scene, she thought.

Izaya was smiling and doing a weird skip walk thing like he does sometimes. He came out of an abandoned building which shocked her seeing as how far she was away from Ikebukuro and Shinjuku.

He turned to her and smiled with a slight wave. Being spotted made her body froze. He kept on his merry way and disappeared from sight cause her body to unfreeze. Her body moved on its own to the door Izaya had come out of.

A stench coming from behind the door made her gag. It assaulted her senses and brought tears to her non-existent eyes. The stench clung to her body like second skin. She could almost feel the stench laughing at her for how many showers she was going to have to take afterwards.

She was afraid to open the door but not because she was afraid of the door but of what could be behind it. She touched the door knob tenderly as if it could bite or burn her. Its coldness seeped though her gloves which gave it a feeling of being supernatural or evil.

Celty turned the door knob and a blast of that stench pounded into her extinct airways. She choked and gagged on it. She “saw” the bodies and turned to throw up forgetting that she couldn’t. In her stomach she could feel her shadows rising up.

H-how could Izaya just walk out of here? Th-this scene is awful! The blood is everywhere and I-I am not even sure ho-how many bodies are here, she thought with intensity, fear, and disgust.

The scene before showed truly just how far Izaya was gone. One head was only half there. The red tissue still leaked blood and brain matter. The head looked as though a lawn mower had been taken to that one side. Celty walked forward to get a look at the other bodies behind her.

Organs covered the ground. A heart sat on the dirty cold ground but it was still connected to the half naked woman. One eye was missing and the other was bloody. Her skull was crushed in and Celty noticed a bloody bat lying on the ground.

Celty knew Izaya used to only murder one person at a time and he would try to be different every time. Now he was like an animal using whatever he had. Killing as many as he could at the time. It was horrid!

Celty looked at the final body and saw the arms were torn off, as if actually ripped off by hands. The legs were purple and black and red. The baseball bat must have been the cause of that too. The mouth of the man had been but from the corners of the lips all the way to the jaw line.

Celty could only hope all of the victims had been dead or at least drugged while this happened. Her phone chimed signaling a message. It was from Izaya.

Hey Celty-san~ <3! I hope you enjoyed my present! Well it was not intentionally for you but you found it so therefore it is yours. I hope you have a great day~ Oh and try to not get spotted if you leave. They may think you killed them~

How could that jerk do that?! Acting like he had not just killed three more people! It was inhuman! It was something that belonged in the dark ages not the twenty-first century! Izaya just switched with aliens as Celty’s biggest fear.

Celty reached her hand up. She felt something fall from where her face would have been. It was compressed solid shadows. Where these supposed to be here tears? Another message came through to her phone, again from Izaya.

Just like before I should have said I’m so sorry, but I felt nothing this time. But don’t worry Celty it will all be over soon.

Author’s note: Yay for insane Izaya! Not. It is really saddening to me to know that there is only at most five chapters left to the story line of Help Me.

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