Talking With a DEMON

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Izaya loved to walk around Ikebukuro and watch his lovely humans even if a certain brute didn’t want him to. Speaking of the brute he had not seen him at all today. Usually Shizuo seemed to have an uncanny ability to find him. It was slightly creepy to say the least. A vending machine flew right past Izaya’s head.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear, thought Izaya. He looked ahead to see the blonde ex bartender staring him down like a Cape Buffalo. Shizuo charged toward Izaya. Izaya lazily stepped aside at the last moment to avoid the man. Shizuo crashed into a wall, blood went down his head.

“Ah uh Shizu-chan, you should take better care of yourselves or maybe you shouldn’t, it would make it easier for me. Sorry for this short chat but I have some business to take care of so bye,” Izaya spun and took off down an alleyway.Shizuo followed; he was not going to let the flea get away.

Izaya thought he had got away from the brute and made his way to St. Margret’s home. He was going to pay a visit with Alpha even if he could only see her. He took the long rout and doubled back a few time to make sure he wasn’t followed.

Shizuo stared in shock of where he saw the Informant go. Why would he be at a psycho ward? It made no sense, unless he was going to screw with already mental heads. He may not be the smartest but Shizuo was not dumb even he could figure this out. He walked in to see where Izaya said he would go.

“Excuse me I would like to visit Alpha Xanthis. I hope I am permitted too?” Izaya questioned.

“Okay but she is not allowed to talk to outsiders. If you wish to communicate you must wait for an appointed time that we give you,” the lady smacked on her gum as she spoke. She looked as though she wanted to be anywhere but here.

“I would like to make an appointed time,” Izaya answered the lady who obviously didn’t want to have to make an appointment.

“Okay the closest time we have is three days from now at exactly three p.m. If you do not show before the time you will not be allowed to see her until another appointed time. That will be a month from now at the least,” she grumbled.

“Okay thank you,” Izaya spun as he said it and then left.

“Weirdo,” she mumbled. She typed on her keyboard to set up the appointment.

Shizuo was in shock. Izaya did not have the right to see Alpha. What he did to her was unforgivable. Even for Izaya torturing her like that was inhumane. If Shizuo was considered a monster than Izaya must be Satan himself, wait no not even Satan would do something like that. He had standards.

Shizuo had saw Alpha at school. He saw her try to conceal her pain and terror but someone who was called a monster could see through it. He felt compelled to help her but she didn’t last long enough.

“Izaya you bastard you better not mess her up anymore or else I’ll kill you!” Shizuo shouted.

Alpha sat in her plain room. It was quiet boring when you did not have anything to entertain yourself because most things are considered dangerous. Maybe she did hear voices and maybe she dreamt those nights so long ago over and over again but she was not crazy.

Alpha had changed a lot since she had got put in the hospital. Her hair grew long and was not at her shoulder bladders. Her eyes were no longer shining and were now a dull color. Her skin was sickly pale from not being allowed outside. She had bags under her eyes from the constant nightmares and the voices in her head.

Alpha no longer blamed Izaya-nii. She believed it to be her fault as she was too weak to counter his actions. If he were to show up it would not bother her. She would act normal and forget what had happened.

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