I'm Not Okay (I Promise)

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Shizuo went home and collapsed on his bed. This was the first time he had been afraid of the usual happy-go-lucky informant. He reached up to wipe the sweat on his forehead. It was sticky and when he brought his hand down he saw blood. He went into the bathroom to clean himself up.

Shizuo took off his clothes to take a shower. That Izaya was not the one he knew. This one was made up of hatred, evil, and everything that was not sugar, spice and everything nice. His finger traced the scar Izaya had given him as his birthday present this year. He sighed before getting into the shower letting the water run down him.

After the shower was overShizuo got dressed to go to bed. He lay in the darkness of the room which always seemed comforting but now it seemed deadly. He kept seeing the faceIzaya had made at him. It made him uneasy. Tomorrow he decided after he got done with work he would ask Shinra if he noticed a change in Izaya.

Izaya had his plan formulated on how to get Alpha out by the time he got back to his home. Tomorrow morning he would visit Shinra and get him to write a doctors note saying Alpha was going to be taken to another doctor, one who kept patients in touch with the outside world.

Izayawas going to keep a close watch on Alpha. A very close watch.

Izaya awoke happy. Soon his favorite human to mess with would be back under his control. Once everyone wanted him as their God, Alpha would be nothing more.

Izaya preformed his daily routine before leaving to visit Shinra. He knew he probably couldn’t use his façade as a happy informant if he wanted the job done. His must be his true self. Well, his true self at this moment.

Celty was with Shinrawatching him work. She enjoyed watching his daily tasks. Well, she really just loved Shinra and everything he does in general. The doorbell buzzed and she stood to answer it. There she saw the informant that loved all humans.

“Ah Celty-san! How wonderful it is to see you here! I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” Izaya said suggestively and with fake concern. He really didn’t want Celty there.

“Izaya, we both know you don’t care if you even were interrupting something. Why are you here?” Celty typed out like a speed demon.

“Ah how you hurt me so. I am just here to talk to Shinra. Alone, actually,” he said pretty much telling her to leave. If she had a head she would have raised her eyebrow.

“Don’t do anything stupid Izaya,” Celty typed with fury. She didn’t know why she was going to listen to the young man, but she felt as if she would be safer away from him. She sent a text to Shinra telling him she was leaving.

Izaya walked to Shinra but turned to plop on his couch. His legs were in the air swinging about. Shinrajust stared no longer questioning his friend. Izaya wasn’t going to waste any time.

“Shinra, I want you to do something for me,” Izaya said. He hated asking others for help but he had to in this case.

“Must be something important if you’re asking me for help. What is it?” Shinra spun his chair around to face the young informant.

“I don’t think you will accept. I want you to write a doctor’s note,” Izaya whispered as if someone was listening in on the two people.

“That’s not hard to do, so there must be more to the request. Tell me Izaya,” Shinra was worried. Izayanever got sick. He might be sick in the head, but never physically sick.

“I want you to write a note to get someone out of a mental institute. You need to pretend to be another doctor that wants to take care of a patient that has shown a considerable amount of change in their mental capabilities,” Izaya spoke in one breath and continued on, “Because I want her back under my control. She must be let out. She even wants to have me save her!”

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