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She put her bag under her desks and take out her history books and copies, then puts them on her desks. The history teacher Mr.Brian finally enters the room. His old, hunched figure walks toward the white board. As he us writing today's assignment, a scrunch up paper is thrown to her and lands on her desk. She looks at the direction the scrunched up paper was thrown from and sees her and a bunch of her friends giggling. She ignores them and opens up the damaged paper, it says:
'Go to hell you anorexic whore
No one likes you and you should eat something before you starve to death'

She doesn't know how to react to this message, should she cry or should she beat the shit out of this bitch. She hears people say things like this to her all the time and she just ignores it, but this time it's different. She can't take the pain anymore.

"May I be excused Mr.Brian" she says on the urge of bursting into tears
"Yeah... Um are you ok-"
"Ya ... Now can I go!" She replies rudely earning some stares from her classmates.
"Sure just go " Mr.Brian replies with no emotion .

She grabs her bag, forgetting her history books and copy and leaves the room in a hurry.

By the time she reaches the bathroom her vision is blurry due to her tears. She enters the bathroom and goes straight to the toilets and locks herself and continues crying.
"What did I ever do to deserve this " she cries to herself.

Just when she says that someone enters the bathroom. Due to the amount of noise more than one person entered the room

"Good job girls, we put the bitch in her place"
*more laughter*
She recognized that voice, it could only be one person...... Her.

She gasps, but tries to stop herself due to the noise it will make, but it was too late.

"Ayy did you guys hear that" she says in a wicked tone.
"I think bones is here"
"Come out come out wherever you are you skinny lil bitch" she spat.

She kept quiet, but she knew that she wouldn't leave until she finds out who is In the bathroom.

"Where are you BITCH!"she said as she kicked the toilet doors open.
She continued to keep quiet, but that made matters worse.

The noise from the door banging  only got louder as she got closer to her; until when she tried to kick the last door open it didn't open and she figured that she was in that toilet.

"Bones, if you don't open up..."

She didn't dare open the door.


She opened the door and dragged her out the toilet.

"You.think.you.can.hide.from.me"she said while punching her face. She couldn't fight for herself because all her energy was drained, she was weak.

Just when she was about to throw her fist at her again, a strong, big hand grabbed her arm.

"What the Fu-"
"What the HELL are you doing!?" A deep voice said.

She couldn't tell who is was because her vision was blurry, plus she was too busy trying to get her behind off the ground.

"Um... Nothing?" She lied
"You disgust me" the deep voice said
"Look... It's none of your business what I'm doing to her-"
"Why are you doing this to her!" The deep voice asked
She didn't answer
"FUCKING answer me"the deep voice yelled
"She tried to get between us, she's a whore"
He turned his head away from her in disgust.

"Baby, please" she pleaded.
She forced her self on him and placed her lips on his. She found his kisses magical but he kissed her with no passion.

"Leave" he said calmly and she did as he said, so did her amigos.

He approached her and stared at her body that struggled to stay up.

"I am So Sorry... Umm are you okay?" He asked politely and with concern.
But she just collapsed and fell straight into his arms...

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter
I know it's longer than the previous one but whatever.

I will update soon


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Love ya

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