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"So what are you doing your project about" Amber asked.


"You know.... The stupid oral presentation Mr.Brown assigned us to do"




I got it!

"Body shaming..... But I'm going to specifically focus on body shaming of skinny women, something like that I guess" I told her.

"Oh" Amber continued chewing her gum.

There was an awkward silence.

"So..... What about you?" I asked.


"The oral pre-"

"Oh that.." Amber interrupted.

"I'm going to do it on sexual harassment and rape culture" she spoke.

It took me by surprise when she said that.

I thought she'd do her project on how Kylie Jenner was the most beautiful person in the world or cheerleading, something like that.

I felt bad for underestimating her.

I wonder why she chose that topic, it is a sensitive topic.

"I know you probably think I'm weird"


"Like why would I choose this as a topic?"


"When I told Jenny and Laura what I was going to don't project on, the told me that I shouldn't do it because boys don't like girls that are feminist or some bullshit like that"


"The reason I chose it was becau-"

"Amber you don't have to tell me if you don't want to" I finally spoke.

She smiled.

"I think it's really brave of you to bring up a sensitive topic like that plus you're a smart girl you'll ace the presentation" I smiled.

She frowned.

"Are you okay?-" I spoke.

"I'm sorry" she apologised

I stayed silent.

"Fuck I'm a terrible person. You annoy me soo much because...... You're so fucking nice to me..... God I really hate myself for what I did to you simply because of my jealous ways" tears streamed down her face.

I stayed silent.

"You're the first person to call me smart and not even Jake has ever called me smart..... But no one else acknowledges my  intelligence because I hang out with air heads like Laura and Jenny." She chuckled bitterly.

"They told me that boys don't like when girls act smart and like the stupid naive person I am I listen to their crap, they told me Jake didn't like smart girls." She spoke.

"It's funny how before Laura and Jennifer, fuck, before any of this crap I was just a smart girl who was desperate for attention, because I got non" she wiped her tears ,

"I'm soo fucked up" she chuckled bitterly.

I didn't say anything

Because I had nothing to say

I didn't think it was necessary for me to speak anyways.

"I'm really sorry" she spoke.

I felt pity for her

But her whole story unfortunately doesn't justify all her actions.

There will always be apart of me that will still be bitter towards Amber and there is nothing I can do about it.

" Ashley"

I snapped out my thoughts.


"You're really nice you're nothing like me" she spoke.

I smiled.

" I gotta go, it was nice having a proper conversation with someone even though I did most of the talking" she smiled.

"It's okay I've always been more of a listener anyways"

She smiled and it was genuine.


I haven't update in ages and I'm sorry. I had exams so I had to study like hell and partly I was lazy and I'm sorry.

Anyways I hope you enjoy this book and I'm sad because this book is coming to an end😭😭😭😭

But it's okay I have some books ice been working on also being a reason I didn't update.

Thank you for the lovely support and don't think I don't read the comment because I do, and it's always lovely to read your comments even when you're correcting my terrible grammar.

Please keep commenting and voting it always nice to see some support.

Have a good day and love ya.



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