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She made her way to her next class 'PE'
And as she made her way, she bumped into someone.

"Hey watch it" he said

"Well, I'm sorry" she replied sarcastically

He turned around and she instantly recognized him, he was the guy in the grey nike hoodie in her last class.

"Oh hi, sorry?" He said while rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's ok" she replied with a smile.

"I..... Actually-"

"Hey babe" she interrupted

She gave him a forceful kiss on the lips and made sure she saw it, but she just rolled her eyes and slowly made her way to the 'PE hall' .

"what is wrong with you" he asked with an annoyed expression on his face.

"Nothing I just wanted to see my babe" she replied with a fake smile.

"Right" he said sarcastically and made his way to his next class

She grabbed his arm

"Babe where are ya going"

"My next class" he replied

She was about to kiss him again but he stopped her.

"Why do you hate her soo much" he asked

"Hate who?" She replied like she disk don't know who.

"You know very well who"

"Oh Bones, she is jus......"

"Jus what , Amber!"

"Jus..... Why do you care!" She yelled

"Never mind I'm going " he replied

"Babe..." She pleaded

" I don't know what issues you have with Her but you need to sort it out"

He left her.


She entered the 'PE hall'

"You're late.... Now go get changed" Mr Fritz ordered.

She entered the girls changing room and all the girls were changing. She opened her locker and got her thing for this lesson, as she was changing done of the girls were giving her looks and she heard a lot if chatter.

"Real women have curves"

"How is she that skinny"

"She is like a twig or a matchstick"

"She looks like she could collapse any second"

*giggles* *chatter* *whispers*

She was use to hearing this people comparing her to sticks, making fun of her weight and assuming she was a 'mean girl' because she was skinny; She just wanted it to stop and hated being shamed because of her weight, not all women have curves, if anything real women come in different sizes.

She got changed and tied the laces of her shoes , then this girl up to her and grabbed her wrist

"OMG your wrist is soo tiny it's like a stick"

" What's you're secret how are you soo skinny" the girl said

To be honest she didn't have a secret she was always skinny.

"OMG you're like flat chested you literally have no boobs like why do you even were a bra" one girl said

"I wouldn't wear a bra if I didn't have boobs" she mumbled

She thought to herself why is it ok for people to point out skinny girls imperfection and to skinny shame but it isn't ok for a skinny girl to call a girl fat, she was fed up.

"I would really appreciate if you give me my arm back" she pulled her arm for the girl and walked away

Just when she was exiting the changing room someone grabbed her wrist

"who the fuck is grabbing my arm!?" She yelled annoyed

"Hey bones" she replied

Her face was from annoyed to disgusted

"What do you want I'm really not in the mood for you're shit!" She replied

"Look I'm only gonna tell you once stay AWAY from my man" she ordered

"I don't know who YOUR man is and you don't tell me who I should talk to or not!" She yelled

She shoved her to the wall

"I mean it BITCH stay AWAY from him" she ordered.

"Don't FUCKING TOUCH ME!" She pushed her off her and she fell to the ground and she started punching her


The girls came and grabbed her of her.

"OMG what a bitch, why would you beat her up you're such a bitch "

She started fake crying and Mr Fitz entered the room

"What's going on!?" He yelled

"She was beating her up for no reason"
One girl said and the rest nodded

"Oww I think she broke my arm" she faked cry

She couldn't believe what just happened. Everyone was defending her but she was the cause of it

"Go to the office NOW ASHLEY!" Mr Fitz yelled

"She started it-"she testified

"No I didn't do any thing I just went up to her to say hi and she jus punched me " she lied

She just wanted to finish her on the stop and beat the bitch but she couldn't everyone was against her no one believed her she got what she wanted.

She was pissed

"Now" Mr Fitz yelled

She did as she was told and went to the principal's office.......

Did you all like the chapter and I'm so sorry I didn't update earlier I was really busy

Anyway thank you for voting and commenting and reading my story I love you guys.


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