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"Good luck" Andrew patted me on the shoulder.

"Thanks" she smiled.

"Okay class, today is the day of the oral presentation" Mr.Brian spoke and everyone was silent.

"Now any volunteers"

*cricket sound*

"Okay I'll pick someone randomly
Umm..... A-"

My heart started beating rapidly

Please don't be me

Please don't be me





I smirked towards Andrew and playfully rolled his eyes. Andrew and I have developed a good friendship ever since the day he asked what my name was.

I mouthed "good luck" to Andrew and he mouthed "thank you" to me.

He ran a hand through his hair and started fidgeting with the flash cards in his hands. He was clearly nervous.

"Any day now Andrew"Mr.Brian spoke.

He took a deep breath and began.

"Hi, um.... I'm A-Andrew" he began, earning a giggle from some people.

I smiled at him and he smiled back.

He took another deep breath.

" today I'm going to be doing my project on introversion and extroversion, so we an have a deeper understanding of each other. What is introversion and extroversion? I hear you ask. Well....."

He spoke about introverts and extraverts and everyone was intrigued.

"And that's it" Andrew clasped his hands together and blushed a little while everyone applauded for him. He did so well considering he is a shy person even though that wasn't my first impression of him.

Many others followed after Andrew.

Surprisingly the presentations from others were actually impressive and I was really impressed by Amber's speech, she knocked the socks out if Mr.Brian he was really proud at Amber considering he thought she was an air head.

"And that's why black lives matter" Tracey ended her speech getting an applaud from everyone. Her speech was also very sensitive just like Amber's they were talking from experience because you could see the hurt and anger in their as they spoke about the terrible things that happen to these individual and I'm one hundred percent sure they got an 'A+' for their oral presentation.

"Ashley you're next"

My heart skipped a beat and hands became sweaty.

I started to panic

I can't

I can't do this

I'm going to screw up

In not prepared

I can't breath

I can't

I can't

But my face remained calm so did my body language so it wasn't obvious I was panicking.

Tracey came up to me and held my hand

"Go on tiger knock our socks off, you're going to do amazing and I know it, and I know how you feel right now and it's totally normal just keep breathing." She smiled at me making her her dimples visible.

I'm not going to lie but Tracey is really pretty, she has dark skin, light brown eyes and thick curly hair and it's all natural. Her skin is also perfect and she doesn't wear a trace of make up.

I smiled

"Thank you, you did really good" we spoke in such a way that no one could hear us.

"Girls stop talking and Ashley it's your turn we don't have all day" Mr. Brian spoke a little agitated.

Deep breaths

Deep breaths

Hey guys

Thank you all for reading this book and this is the last chapter.

What? I hear you say

Yass this is the last chapter but there is an epilogue so no worries

I can't believe it has come to this.😩😭

Anyways thank you all for the support and you're all very nice.

Peace out


( ^ω^ )

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