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*Guys I'm sooo sorry that haven't updated in a while, I went on holidays and I had no wifi. Idk how I survived but I'm back so I'm gonna update as frequently as possible*

She made her way to the principal's office. As she was making her way people were giving her "the evil eye" and whispering to each other. She earned some glares from the the junior and senior student.

"OMG did you what she did" one says.


"She beat the shit out of her for no reason"

"OMG what a bitch"

She couldn't believe what was going on, it's like no matter what she does everyone turns against her and it's all because of her.
When she is quiet, they talk
When she finally does something, they keep talking
No matter what she does they keep talking
She was frustrated, furious and upset that no one took her side, that no one fucking cared.

She ran to the toilet and locked herself in.

"Maybe if I just kill myself this will all go"

"Maybe if I move this will all go"

"I'm honestly fucking tired of this shit,
I'm always called a slut, bitch and stupid names like that
Why can't they just listen to me or see things the way I see it" she cried

she slowly got up and made her way to the skanky looking sink and looked at her reflection in the mirror which was covered with fingerprint.

Hmm what do I see when I look at the mirror

Umm dirty fingerprints

No! What do I see

I see a girl that's lost, lonely and depressed. She's hurt and feels like she has no place in this world, all she wants is that one person who truly understand her.

What can I do to make her happy again


Come on there must be something

Why am I having a conversation with myself?


Find someone who understands and will listen to me and won't judge me and cares about me.

How are we gonna find that someone


Before she could finish her conversation with herself, three senior students entered the bathroom.

*giggle* *chatter* *laughter*

She ignored them and continued with what she was doing until one said...

"Hey aren't u the girl who beat up her"

No answer

"Hey I'm talking to you!"

With that one of the girls shoved her

"don't TOUCH ME"

She slapped the girl across the face

"Don't mess with me" she told them

Before one of the seniors could grab hold of her she legged it out that door. She ran as fast as could until the seniors were out of sight.

*heavily breathing*

"......that ....that was very close" she finally said


She sprinted all the way to the principal's office.

She knocked on the hard oak door and opened the door.

"Well, well Miss Alessandro....,, oh please take a seat" the Principal insisted.

So she did as she was told.....

Hope you guys enjoyed this chaper
And also I haven't decided what gender the principal should be, I'll let you guys pick (or else I'll pick ) anyway I'll write To you all soon



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