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Surprise! I felt like updating again. Consider it a gift from me. I also have a request. If you guys know anyone or you are someone who can make a book cover for me that would be very appreciated. If you or they can make a new book cover for me please message me first and we will discuss the details.
Thank you
Now continuing with the story.

*warning: Suicidal content here please don't read if you are suicidal because I would be afraid that it would trigger you if that makes sense. You have been warned*

I can't take this anymore

I want to kill myself

I've never desired to kill myself before but now I do

I just want the pain to go

I'm drowning while everyone is breathing

Can't they see that I'm dying inside or maybe they choose to watch me in pain.

I need help


What I need is to kill myself

I pulled my sleeve up ever so slightly and looked at my previous marks

I thought the pain would go when I would cut myself

But is essentially made it worse

I thought that if I moved to this school the depression would go

It did for a while

But now it's back

Not only did my desire to kill myself come back but

My demons did too

"You're pathetic"

The voice in my head told me

"Look at you crying because a bunch if kids are calling you names"

"You're a worthless piece of shit"

'Stop it' is what I would tell my demon to do bit it didn't listen it just kept getting worse and worse

At this point I was scratching my wrist until it was bleeding

"Ashley" Mr. Brian called

I looked up at him and he pointed at my wrist

"It's bleeding" is all he says.

"Do you want to go to the nurse's off-"

"No. I mean I can handle it"

"Clearly you can't"

"It's ok I'll wash it off I-In the bathroom it's honestly ok just a little scab"

"Can I take a look"

"N-  that won't be necessary"

He looked at me for a solid ten seconds and gave me a bathroom pass.

"Be quick now ok"


As I left the classroom I could feel everyone stare at me.

"Yeah leave stupid bitch"

Everyone chuckled.

I left before I could hear Mr.Brian nagging at the students.

As I made my way to the bathroom I put my head down low and walked with no confidence. I bumped into everything in sight.

"Hey watch it bitch"

"Sorry" is all I mumbled.

I eventually arrived at the girls bathroom. No one was there.

I looked at myself in the mirror

"You look hidious" I heard Amber say.

I looked behind me but no one was there

*Am I hallucinating*

"Look how skinny you are" Amber said.

"Have you ever heard of food" Jennifer asked.

"You look like those starving kids in Africa"  Laura said disgusted.

I saw their figures in the mirror but when I turned around the we're gone.

"This isn't real"

"This isn't real"

"This isn't real"

"Hey bones"

I turned around for the third time and I wasn't in the bathroom. I was in the cafeteria. Amber and her two amigos were beside her. They were holding food in their hand. To be specific a sandwich, an apple and a plate filled with spaghetti. My here was a crowd behind Amber.

"You know Bones you should eat some thing" Amber said

"Aww are you crying no worries just eat something" Jennifer handed me the plate of spaghetti but 'accidentally' ruined my clothes.

"Oh I'm soo sorry there must be something else you can eat" she replied deviously.

"Yeah try an apple"Laura shoved an apple in my mouth at laughed.

"You look like a pig with that apple in your mouth" Jennifer laughed.

"An anorexic pig" someone commented.

They started chanting

"Anorexic pig"


"Anorexic pig"

*i said stop!"

"Anorexic pig"



I opened my eyes and I was back in the bathroom cradling myself in the corner of the room.

I slowly got up and went towards the sink. The blood in my wrist stained my sleeve a little. I washed the stained blood off my wrist.

"You're disgustingly pale" the demon spoke.

"GO AWAY" I yelled.

The voices stop talking and the only thing you could hear it the drop from the tap.


I closed the tap tightly and grabbed a tissue to wipe the blood off my wrist. I pulled my sleeve down and made my way to the exit.


I stood in front of the door to my classroom. I felt something damp on my face and relies that they were tears and wiped them instantly.

I knocked on the door once and entered the room earning a couple of glares.

"Look who it is" one stupid jock said

"Speaking of the devil" another said earning some chuckles of people.

"Quiet now! It about time you arrived back to this class now come on start working on your project" Mr.Brian spoke.

I bowed my head down and continued with my task...

I hope you like this chapter and sorry if I hit the soft spot for some people. Anyways thank you for reading this chapter and enjoy yourself.



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