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I honestly have nothing to say
So..... Enjoy the book 😊

I sat in class watching the clock tick. God this class is awfully long. I observed my surroundings.

I could here fingers and pencils tabbing against the oak desk. Making a rhythm.

The sound the pens were making. It was irritating.

I could feel everybody stare at me as I took a seat at the front of the room.

"I hope you guys are making progress with your history project remember it will be due very soon." My history teacher began.

He grabbed one of his chalks and started writing our task on the black board.

It was the sound the chalk was making against the black surface. It was getting on my nerves.

The sound people tongues were making. I wondered if the would ever shut up.

"Did you hear?" one girl asked

"What?" Another asked.

Before they started talking again they glanced at me. I pretended that I was oblivious, but really I'm just not stupid.

"Amber and her friends and Jake are at the principal's office" one blonde whispered.

"What! Why though?" The brunette asked.

"Rumors say they that they were doing drugs on the school ground and Ashley and Tracey caught them and snitched"

*Wow are they really this stupid*

"What? No way" one stupid jock replied.

"Some say that Ashley set the up"

*i can't believe what I'm hearing*


"What a bitch"

"Stupid cunt"

"She should kill herself"

*No! Stop calling me that and I'm not killing myself*

"What does she have against them like why did she do it"

"Isn't it obvious"


"She's jealous of Amber and Jakes relationship and the fact that she has more friends than her"

*Is this real?*

"She such a whore"

"Yeah I hate her"

*why is everything my fault. Why is it because my 'skinny' that I'm a typical skinny bitch with jealousy issues. That's not me. They must be talking about someone else

My heart was racing. I was finding it hard to breath.

"What a whore"
"She should die"

I could here everything and it was too overwhelming.


I need to get out of here

"Die bitch"

They need to know that everything she says or anything they here is a LIE!

"Stupid cunt"

Stop it




I can't

I can't

I want to die....

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I'll update soon. Please keep commenting even if it's to correct me because I spelt something wrong. Thank you for reading my book and enjoy yourself.



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