Chapter 3

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Lauren had been texting Camila all morning which had made her be in an upbeat mood for the whole morning, and she was still happy as ever.

Normani was currently with Lauren and noticed this change as well. Normani was glad for her friend but she had an idea, that maybe, just maybe, this girl could really end up being Lauren's girlfriend.

Lauren entered Target with Normani and looked around.

"You're so eager to see her, calm down." Normani chuckled.

"She wants me to treat her like an actual girlfriend so I will. It's been awhile since I've showed girlfriend treatment to anyone so why not?" Lauren asked and Normani shook her head, rolling her eyes.

"Awhile? It's been almost five years you've showed girlfriend treatment to anyone. Also, you and your last girlfriend lasted two weeks. Does that really count?" Normani asked, raising an eyebrow and cocking her head to the side.

"Shut up, Mani. Let me live. You're so lucky I show some type of affection to you." Lauren said, sticking her tongue out at Normani.

"I'm your best friend, you kind of have to." Normani winked wrapping an arm around Lauren's neck. It was nice to see Lauren so happy, and Normani definitely knew now that Lauren could actually like Camila.

Lauren was horrible at acting so if she didn't have any type of affection or liking towards Camila then she wouldn't be able to really show it.

But, Normani saw how Lauren beamed whenever her phone chimed and she was now looking around for the girl like the zombie apocalypse was heading towards this Target and Lauren had to save her and have her last moments with the brown-eyed girl.

A blonde-haired Polynesian girl approached Lauren and Lauren raised an eyebrow.

"You're Lauren, right?" The girl asked and Lauren nodded while Normani stood there watching the two. Well, more of watching Dinah talking.

"I'm Dinah. Camila's best friend and she's been talking about you...maybe I can see you at bowling and get to know you more!" Dinah exclaimed happily making Lauren furrow her eyebrows in confusion.

"Bowling? Well, Mila's over there talking to the guy who's going bowling too. Probably inviting her. So hopefully, I can meet you later on! I have to get back to work." Dinah grinned and pointed towards Camila.

"Thanks, Dinah. Hope I can see you at bowling then." Lauren flashed her a smile before Dinah grinned, waving goodbye.

Lauren's eyes lit up when she saw Camila, talking to a cashier, in some casual attire. Camila was wearing a black crop top, high waisted jeans, a bomber jacket in her hand, and had beige Timberlands on.

"Holy fuck," Lauren muttered under her breath at the sight of Camila. Normani looked over to where Lauren was looking and grinned. That girl was definitely a beauty, and Lauren was definitely awestruck at the moment.

"Go over there," Normani said chuckling at how Lauren was ogling Camila from top to bottom.

"I want you to meet her, Mani." Lauren said, grabbing Normani's hand and dragging her over to Camila.

"Oh no, don't you think this is a little rushed? I'm already meeting the girlfriend?!" Normani fake gasped and Lauren chuckled, pulling her along.

Lauren then let go of Normani's hand and tackled Camila from behind, hugging her waist. Camila jumped a little, in surprise, and saw that it was Lauren which made her relax.

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